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Monday, September 01, 2008

Babies, Babies, Babies!

The McCain campaign reassures us that "Bristol Palin [daughter of Sarah Palin, his utterly underqualified wingnut travesty of a running mate] made the decision on her own to keep [her] baby." Quite apart from the fact that the ludicrous parade of babies that now seems to have pre-empted any serious discussion of the actually vital issues at stake in the Election before us is an almost unbearable flabbergasting atrocity already and looks to get incomparably worse before it gets better, if it ever does get better, it is probably worth noting that to the extent that it is true that "Bristol made [a] decision" in this matter, she certainly doesn't have her mother to thank for it, inasmuch as Sarah Palin is a prominent member of Feminists [sic] for Life [sic], which advocates coercing women to carry unwanted pregnancies to term come what may because they believe Baby Jesus likes ladies to be both fertilized and infantilized as much as possible.


Anonymous said...

Interestingly, while at first pass I thought this revelation would "put to rest" the rumors than Sarah Palin lied about giving birth to Trig in order to cover for Bristol, it doesn't.

Trig was born April 18. August 18 would be four months since that date. That means it's still physically possible for Bristol Palin to have delivered Trig and by now be in the "fifth month" of another pregnancy (assuming that timeline is true to begin with).

Of course, she would have to be working pretty hard to pump them out that quick.

Also, I don't think this is a "distraction" from more important things. Had her teen daughterly merely gotten knocked up, that would be one thing. But Sarah Palin (allegedly) went out of her way to cover up her daughter's pregnancy, lying to the media and the public, and that says something important about her character. Specifically, it speaks to the lengths that this ideologue will go to in order to promote a "values-positive" image of herself.

Dale Carrico said...

I don't think this is a "distraction" from more important things... Palin (allegedly) went out of her way to cover up her daughter's pregnancy, lying to the media and the public, and that says something important about her character. Specifically, it speaks to the lengths that this ideologue will go to in order to promote a "values-positive" image of herself.

I'll agree that this isn't an irrelevant consideration, but I still think it is a distraction from more important things. People need to be thinking about how bad policies result in economic, environmental, military, and legal disaster, not about how much they identify or dis-identify for the moment with this or that mass-mediated image of a Presidential celebrity, or how gossip columnists can puncture that image and direct it elsewhere.

The only way to win these games, as WOPR once said of a different but too related game, is not to play.

If we really have to zero in on character rather than policy here, I for one think the bad judgment of McCain in choosing without much in the way of vetting or forethought a PR-friendly (he fancied) running mate -- and likeliest replacement for an elderly cancer-survivor -- who seems conscpiuously unqualified for the job (mind you, one of the most serious and perilous jobs on the planet) speaks to a more relevant character question.

Even all that said, the whole thing just leaves a terrible taste in my mouth. After all the vision and intelligence and energy of the Obama Convention here Americans are again, wallowing around in this crappy swamp. I hate it.

Anonymous said...

True, very true.

Anonymous said...

True, very true.

Anonymous said...

I don't like this either, but if you stop playing, the other side will continue attacking you, forcing you to play again, etc.