Using Technology to Deepen Democracy, Using Democracy to Ensure Technology Benefits Us All

Monday, June 08, 2020


[E]very high-quality national poll with proper education weighting had Joe Biden leading Donald Trump two months ago by an average of 6.2%. And nearly every one of them have him leading by more today, by an average of 10.2%... Biden’s lead is not only larger than Hillary Clinton’s in 2016, “it’s more secure.”
Pointing out this sort of thing isn't about counting chickens before they hatch (tho' Oscar Wilde insisted that that's the only sensible time to count chickens, since they move around so much after they hatch), this is, for me at least, about resisting despair and trying to be sensible. It is awfully encouraging to think that the Trump epoch might soon really end. It is also encouraging to think the present righteous uprisings against white supremacy and police violence are instilling well the lesson that it isn't enough to vote for Democrats like Biden but necessary to push even the best Democrats (of whom Biden is far from one) from across the democratic left where we are to ensure they do what we elect them to do after the election is done.

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