Using Technology to Deepen Democracy, Using Democracy to Ensure Technology Benefits Us All

Monday, June 29, 2020


I've spent the last three days crafting a lecture while pushing through writer's block... I've managed about sixteen pages and have another six or eight to go to finish the transcript I'm recording to distribute tomorrow. I've been doing this every week for months now, crafting these polished longform transcripts of lectures I podcast for online learning. The transcriptions of my recorded lectures have given me book-length manuscripts on patriarchy in Greek and Roman antiquity, on queer theory and avant-garde art movements, on the history of critical theory to the present, and on reactionary futurology and "design" culture. Who knows what I think I'm going to do with all these piles of pages -- they number in the hundreds already. But, just on a day to day basis, sometimes generating all this theory to deadline, on issues that matter to me and for which clarity therefore also matters enormously to me can be a real drag... Today, I'm burned out and feeling blocked and I don't feel like I've got the juice to do justice to the topic I'm elaborating. But I'm just going to bang it out, and edit as best I can, and hope for the best.


masih ebrahimi said...

Please Dale!! Where can I find these recordings??

jollyspaniard said...

Sometimes the first act of creativity in writing is in overcoming the often invisible restraints holding us back.

Sometimes I do writing sprints standing up with dance music. It works sometimes.

Anonymous said...

+1 to masih embrahimi's comment. I wish I could listen to this. I loved the class I took with you at Cal