Using Technology to Deepen Democracy, Using Democracy to Ensure Technology Benefits Us All

Monday, June 15, 2020

Rona Is Real, Re-Open With Care...

The number of deaths from COVID-19 in the United States today will pass the total number of American deaths from World War I, which was 116,516. That means, in four months, the disease is now officially more deadly than almost two whole years of World War I, including both deaths of soldiers killed by enemy fire and deaths of soldiers in Europe from influenza in the 1918 pandemic. The Rona is still real, people, and Republicans don't care if you die -- stay masked, stay distanced, support emergency workers, if you are protesting (and white racism is also a public health emergency, protesting it is righteous and necessary, just try to stay outdoors, masked, distanced, and as safe as may be), and then vote these death-dealing Nazi-collaborating Republican flim-flam traitors and bigots out in November. As always, the real work happens between elections, the work of education, agitation, organization, but the work of elections itself is also real and necessary, frustrating tho' it always also is.

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