Using Technology to Deepen Democracy, Using Democracy to Ensure Technology Benefits Us All

Thursday, May 02, 2019

Barbara Lee Speaks For Me Daily


jollyspaniard said...

There has been a massive spike in homelessness in England. I have noticed a change in who the homeless were. Lots of the new homeless are very young, female, some are even posh. Whereas ten years ago they largely consisted of older army veterans. Now it feels like it could happen to anyone.

The UK to borrow a British expression has gone to shit. Local government has been bled white and there are more cuts to come. There's a palpable air of dread to the country.

My partner and I have just moved to Spain. We have only been here a few days but it feels like we've escaped something.

Dale Carrico said...

Yikes! Very happy to hear you're safe in sunny Spain! California feels like the safest place to be here, but nothing feels exactly safe anymore (as a queer who lived through Reagan's America, it's a feeling I've had too often before but this feels quite dire indeed). Good luck to you and to us all!