Tuesday, August 02, 2016

William Burroughs On Peter Thiel

What follows are the first paragraphs of a short story, provocative essay, philosophical reflection, string of vaudevillian bits by William Burroughs entitled "Immortality."

The landscape of this piece is populated with figures from b-science fiction flicks and disintegrating paperbacks glimpsed in fragments by insomniacs staring at screens and reading in bathtubs: vampires, clone armies, mad scientists, time travelers, dream assassins... The whole hellish hallucination, a snapshot of the American cultural imaginary deployed as a wrench in the works, is a triptych: It begins with a condemnation of capitalism as a pyramid of pyramid schemes rationalizing evil predation (there are vampires everywhere in this section), goes on to declare that the paranoid defense of a false and facile notion of coherent selfhood drives the possessiveness that enables this predation and fraud (clones throng this section), and concludes by proposing an embrace of open futurity against parochial PR projections of the future that foreclose empathy and possibility (time and space travelers take the stage here).

This concluding proposal -- which Burroughs identifies with an embrace of "the magical universe" in which beliefs are permanently susceptible to refiguration and warranted not only by the powers they can confer of prediction and control but by the ways in which they can be invested with meaning, beauty, solidarity otherwise -- is close kin with Nietzsche's proposal of philosophical truth-telling as an affirmation that resists ressentiment, just as the deconstruction of self in the second part of the piece aligns with the moral project of the Freudian unconscious, just as the jeremiad against selfish exploitation with which the piece begins (and which is excerpted below) is nicely illustrative of themes in Marx. I assign this piece in my undergraduate Critical Theory survey course both at the San Francisco Art Institute and at UC Berkeley -- a course which makes the argument that Marx, Nietzsche, and Freud are three threshold figures taking us from the philosophical life of the mind and its contemptus mundi to the post-philosophical project of critical theory in which, in the Marxian phrase, "the point is to change it."

I think I have read and taught this piece by now something like thirty or forty times and I think it one of Burroughs' great aesthetic accomplishments. It is so short that I usually begin my lecture by simply reading the story like some demented grandfather in an armchair at a sick child's bedside. It takes about fifteen minutes or so. In my lecture I regularly go on to pair it with excerpts from another short piece by Burroughs "On Coincidence," which provides helpful elaborations on its themes, and of course poses new perplexities too. Both pieces are anthologized in a collection called The Adding Machine. It surely goes without saying, but I will add that there is much more happening in the piece than I have mentioned, including quite a lot of mischief designed to nudge some readers into a state somewhere between paranoia and serendipity while cruelly reading for filth those who cannot accompany him on the journey.

Anyway, I also think the piece gets to something profoundly true and profoundly hilarious about the evil, if one is inclined to put it that way, of Peter Thiel and the current brouhaha over plutocratic parasitic blood transfusion as a route to techno-immortality. Long-time readers of the blog know, of course, that I have been ridiculing and rampaging against the anti-democratic robocultic Thiel for years. Those who are interested should click on "The Superlative Summary" on the sidebar and scroll down to the entry "Peter Thiel" for a taste of what I mean (the aftertaste, I warn you, is highly unpleasant).
"To me the only success, the only greatness, is immortality." -- James Dean, quoted in James Dean: The Mutant King, by David Dalton
The colonel beams at the crowd . . . pomaded, manicured, he wears the satisfied expression of one who has just sold the widow a fraudulent peach orchard. "Folks, we're here to sell the only thing worth selling or worth buying and that's immortality. Now here is the simplest solution and well on the way. Just replace the worn - out parts and keep the old heap on the road indefinitely.
"As transplant techniques are perfected and refined, the age -- old dream of immortality is now within the grasp of mankind. But who is to decide out of a million applicants for the same heart? There simply aren't enough parts to go around. You need the job lot once a year to save 20 percent, folks. Big executives use a heart a month just as regular as clockwork. Warlords, paying off their soldiers in livers and kidneys and genitals, depopulate whole a reas. Vast hospital cities cover the land; the air -- conditioned hospital palaces of the rich radiate out to field hospitals and open -- air operating booths.
The poor are rising in mobs. They are attacking government warehouses where the precious parts are stored. Everyone who can afford it has dogs and guards to protect himself from roving bands of parts hunters, like the dreaded Wild Doctors, who operate on each other after the battle, cutting the warm quivering parts from the dead and dying. Cut-and-grab me n dart out of doorways and hack out a kidney with a few expert strokes of their four-inch scalpels. People have lost all shame. Here's a man who sold his daughter's last kidney to buy himself a new groin -- appears on TV to appeal for funds to buy little Sally an artificial kidney and give her this last Christmas. On his arm is a curvaceous blond known apparently as Bubbles. She calls him Long John; now isn't that cute?
A flourishing black market in parts grows up i n the gutted cities devastated by parts riots. In terrible slums, scenes from Brueghel and Bosch are reenacted; misshapen masses of rotten scar tissue crawling with maggots supported on crutches and cans, in wheel-chairs and carts. Brutal-as-butchers practitioners operate without anesthetic in open-air booths surrounded by their bloody knives and saws.
The poor wait in parts lines for diseased genitals, a cancerous lung, a cirrhotic liver. They crawl towards the operating booths holding forth nameless thin gs in bottles that they think are usable parts. Shameless swindlers who buy up operating garbage in job lots prey on the unwary.
And here is Mr. Rich Parts. He is three hundred years old. He is still subject to accidental death, and the mere thought of it throws him into paroxysms of idiot terror. For days he cowers in his bunker, two hundred feet down in solid rock, food for fifty years. A trip from one city to another requires months of sifting and checking computerized plans and alternate routes to avoid the possibility of an accident. His idiotic cowardice knows no bounds. There he sits, looking like a Chimu vase with a thick layer of smooth purple scar tissue. Encased as he is in this armor, his movements are slow and hydraulic. It takes him ten minute s to sit down. This layer gets thicker and thicker right down to the bone -- the doctors have to operate with power tools. So we leave Mr. Rich Parts and the picturesque parts people their monument, a mountain of scar tissue.
As L. Ron Hubbard, founder of scientology, said: "The rightest right a man could be would be to live infinitely wrong." I wrote "wrong" for "long" and the slip is significant -- for the means by which immortality is realized in science fiction, which will so on be science fact, are indeed infinitely wrong, the wrongest wrong a man can be, vampiric or worse.
Improved transplant techniques open the question whether the ego itself could be transplanted from one body to another, and the further question as to exactly where this entity resides. Here is Mr. Hart, a trillionaire dedicated to his personal immortality. Where is this thing called Mr. Hart? Precisely where, in the human nervous system, does this ugly death-sucking, death-dealing, death - fearing thing res ide? Science gives only a tentative answer: the "ego" seems to be located in the midbrain at the top of the head. "Well," he thinks, "couldn't we just scoop it out of a healthy youth, throw his in the garbage where it belongs, and slide in MEEEEEEEE?" So h e starts looking for a brain surgeon, a "scrambled egg" man, and he wants the best. When it comes to a short - order job old Doc Zeit is tops. He can switch eggs in an alley.
Mr. Hart embodies the competitive, acquisitive, success-minded spirit that formula ted American capitalism. The logical extension of this ugly spirit is criminal. Success is its own justification. He who succeeds deserves to succeed; he is RIGHT. The operation is a success. The doctors have discreetly withdrawn. When a man wakes up in a beautiful new body, he can flip out. It wouldn't pay to be a witness. Mr. Hart stands up and stretches luxuriously in his new body. He runs his hands over the lean young muscle where his potbelly used to be. All that remains of the donor is a blob of gray matter in a dish. Mr. Hart puts his hands on his hips and leans over the blob.
"And how wrong can you be? DEAD."
He spits on it and he spits ugly.
The final convulsions of a universe based on quantitative factors, like money, junk, and time, would seem to be at hand. The time approaches when no amount of money will buy anything and time itself will run out.
This is a parable of vampirism gone berserk. But all vampiric blueprints for immortality are wrong not only from the ethical standpoint. They are ultimately unworkable. In Space Vampires Colin Wilson speaks of benign vampires. Take a little, leave a little. But they always take more than they leave by the basic nature of the vampire process of inconspicuous but inexorable consumption. The vampire converts quality -- live blood, vitality, youth, talent -- into quantity -- food and time for himself. He perpetrates the most basic betrayal of the spirit, reducing all human dreams to his shit. And that's the wrongest wrong a man can be................


  1. > And here is Mr. Rich Parts. He is three hundred years old.
    > He is still subject to accidental death, and the mere thought
    > of it throws him into paroxysms of idiot terror. For days
    > he cowers in his bunker, two hundred feet down in solid rock,
    > food for fifty years. A trip from one city to another requires
    > months of sifting and checking computerized plans and alternate
    > routes to avoid the possibility of an accident. His idiotic
    > cowardice knows no bounds. . .

    The thing that makes Larry Johnson and Scott Baldyga's _Frozen_
    worth the read, at least for me, is not so much the allegations of abuse of
    Ted Williams' head, or even the allegations of suspension
    personnel using paralytics such as Vecuronium to make sure their
    clients are "not just merely dead, but really most
    sincerely dead."

    It's the intimate portrayal of the personalities of some
    of the principals involved. Including Mr. [Charles] Platt
    (who apparently had a panic attack verging on a psychotic
    break during the SARS outbreak -- "Don't you realize this
    could be the end of the human race!" -- and wouldn't leave his
    house until Mr. Johnson agreed to take him to Mexico
    to lay in a supply of Ribavirin). Vignettes like these --
    and there are a lot of them! -- were more interesting
    to me than the Williams episode. It was scary how
    many of the names I recognized, even if I haven't
    actually met any of the people mentioned.

  2. > He is still subject to accidental death, and the
    > mere thought of it throws him into paroxysms of
    > idiot terror. . . His idiotic cowardice knows no bounds.

    [The consciousness of the Greeks,] even
    in Homeric times, was full to the brim of the
    sad mortality of this sunlit world. . .
    When. . . Achilles, about to slay Lycaon,
    Priam's young son, hears him sue for mercy, he stops
    to say:

    'Ah, friend, thou too must die: why thus lamentest
    thou? Patroclos too is dead, who was better far than
    thou.... Over me too hang death and forceful fate.
    There cometh morn or eve or some noonday when
    my life too some man shall take in battle, whether
    with spear he smite, or arrow from the string.'

    Then Achilles savagely severs the poor boy's neck
    with his sword, heaves him by the foot into the
    Scamander, and calls to the fishes of the river to
    eat the white fat of Lycaon. . . [T]he cruelty
    and the sympathy each ring true, and do not mix
    or interfere with one another. . .

    -- William James, _The Varieties of Religious
    Experience_, Lectures IV and V, "The Religion
    of Healthy-Mindedness"

    > "To me the only success, the only greatness, is immortality."
    > -- James Dean, quoted in James Dean: The Mutant King,
    > by David Dalton

    I don't want to achieve immortality through my work; I want to
    achieve immortality through not dying. I don't want to live on
    in the hearts of my countrymen; I want to live on in my apartment.

    -- Woody Allen

  3. I suppose since it's right in front of me, I might
    as well share this:

    "The Remaking of Man"
    Olaf Stapledon, BBC broadcast 2 April 1931
    in _An Olaf Stapledon Reader_
    Robert Crossley, ed.

    . . .

    That **I** should be remade, or you, is impossible. But do
    we not desire that a race of beings far happier and more vital
    than ourselves should some day occur? . . . We must create
    a race gifted with the health and vitality, the beauty and
    perennial youth, or the mythical heroes.

    This leads to the question of longevity. If only we could
    keep young, most of us would certainly desire to live much
    longer than the normal span. But from the point of view of
    the race, and of the far future, would it really be good
    that the lives of individuals should be longer? The brevity
    of human life certainly enables the species to keep on
    starting again with a clean slate. Think of whatever historical
    period you most despise. How lamentable if **that**
    generation had occupied the earth for ever! On the other
    hand, very much of our short life-time is spent in merely
    overtaking our seniors. And no sooner have we become properly
    equipped for carrying on the work of the world than our
    powers begin to fail.

    From the racial point of view, then, two complementary
    improvements are needed. In the remote future, when the race
    has reached its prime, the individual must live much longer
    than is possible today, say a thousand times as long
    [i.e., around 70,000 years; in _Last and First Men_, the
    Fifth Men -- the final terrestrial species -- start with
    a lifespan of 3,000 years and ultimately reach 50,000 years,
    while the Eighteenth Men on Neptune ultimately settle
    on an individual lifespan of around 250,000 terrestrial years];
    but also his youthful suppleness and vigour must continue
    till death. In fact senility, not only extreme senility,
    but that blunting of percipience and slow dying of the mind,
    which with us begins before middle life, must be abolished.

    It is not desirable that the individual should live for ever,
    since that would prevent any further improvement in the inborn
    nature of the species. It is natural that we, who are such
    self-centered beings, should want to live for ever, either
    here or in some heaven. It is natural that we should demand
    some kind of immortality for those whom we love and admire.
    But, as I see it, not only must those cravings remain unfulfilled,
    but also it is better so. I must learn to regard myself and
    every other individual, even my dearest, as having the kind
    of excellence that a theme or phrase of music has. It has its
    proper place. It must come to an end, and make way for other
    musical forms. So also with the man and the woman.

  4. That's GOOD. But what isn't from Burroughs? But this is even better shit than algebra of need and junk pyramids. This is just what we dangling from our dinner forks.

  5. > William Burroughs On Peter Thiel. . .
    > This is a parable of vampirism gone berserk.

    Hey, I missed the point of this post!

    Thiel. . . Ambrosia. . . parabiosis.

    Billionaire Vampire Wants Your Blood
    Aug 2, 2016

    So are Ray Kurzweil and Elon Musk (and Bill Gates,
    and Larry Ellison, and Mark Zuckerberg, and Jeff Bezos,
    and, uh, Max & Natasha [and Dirk & Sandy ;-> ], and. . .)
    in on this too?

    Better start smearing your kids with garlic!

  6. > I also think the piece gets to something profoundly true and
    > profoundly hilarious about the evil, if one is inclined to
    > put it that way, of Peter Thiel and the current brouhaha
    > over plutocratic parasitic blood transfusion as a route to
    > techno-immortality.

    Life imitates "art":

    It seems I've been encountering this "billionaire who will do anything
    to achieve personal immortality" trope in rapid-fire succession
    recently; e.g., in:

    Arthur Maitland (of "Maitland Industries" and
    the "National Research Institute")
    in _The Immortal_ TV show (1970).
    (a few episodes are available on YouTube).

    Josef Virek in William Gibson's _Count Zero_ (1986).

    Senator Tony Kreutzer (of "The Wild Palms Group")
    in _Wild Palms_ (1993).
    (Available on YouTube).

    Eldritch Palmer (of "The Stoneheart Group") in
    Guillermo del Toro and Chuck Hogan'a _The Strain_
    (books and TV show) -- who, in addition to
    handing over New York City to an old-world vampire in
    exchange for the promise of eternal life (which he
    doesn't get in the end, at least in the book -- you
    just can't trust those vampires) also (at least in the
    show; I can't remember whether it's also in
    the book) gets an illegally-harvested liver.
    (Season 1 episodes 1-8 are available on YouTube.)

    (Steve Jobs is also alleged to have been improperly
    fast-tracked for a liver transplant, though I don't **think** anybody
    has suggested another person was murdered to get it for him.)

    Of course, TV Tropes has a relevant entry:
    (Transhumanism is mentioned in the "Real Life" folder. ;-> )

    In that 1970 TV show _The Immortal_ it is indeed the poor
    guy's blood everybody's after:

    The Immortal - TV movie (1970)
    Test driver Ben Richards (Christopher George), discovers his blood
    contains every immunity known to man--in effect making him immortal.
    When an elderly billionaire named Maitland learns of Richards'
    condition, he hires mercenary Fletcher to track Richards all over
    the country, capture him, and bring him back to Maitland's estate
    for periodic transfusions. The series details Richards' adventures
    with people he meets along the way, all the while fleeing from Fletcher
    and his goons.

  7. > So are Ray Kurzweil and Elon Musk (and Bill Gates,
    > and Larry Ellison, and Mark Zuckerberg, and Jeff Bezos,
    > and, uh, Max & Natasha [and Durk & Sandy ;-> ], and. . .)
    > in on this too?

    Or maybe even Donald Trump? :-0 :-0

    > Improved transplant techniques open the question whether the ego
    > itself could be transplanted from one body to another. . .
    > Here is Mr. Hart, a trillionaire dedicated to his personal immortality. . .
    > "Well," he thinks, "couldn't we just scoop it out of a healthy youth,
    > throw his in the garbage where it belongs, and slide in MEEEEEEEE?"

    Hey, wasn't this a movie last year (which I skipped)?

    Ben Kingsley and Ryan Reynolds? Ah, yes:

    Self/less is a 2015 American science fiction thriller film. . .

    Business tycoon and billionaire Damian Hale (Ben Kingsley)
    is master of his own universe, until he is diagnosed with terminal
    cancer. Now on his deathbed, he finds a business card directing
    him to a man named Professor Albright (Matthew Goode), who informs
    him about a radical medical procedure called "shedding,"
    in which one's consciousness is transferred to an artificially
    grown healthy body. Damian decides to undergo the procedure and
    engineers his own public death. Albright transfers him into a
    new body (Ryan Reynolds) and prescribes medication to alleviate
    the vivid hallucinations which he claims are side effects of
    the procedure. . .

    Self/less has received generally negative reviews from critics.
    The review aggregator website Rotten Tomatoes reported a rating
    of 19%, based on 129 reviews, with an average rating of 4.5/10.
    The site's consensus reads: "Self/less boasts a potential-packed
    premise, but does frustratingly little with it, settling for
    lackluster action at the expense of interesting ideas.". . .

    Oh, well. Guess I didn't miss anything.

  8. Speaking of vampires and transhumanism:

    (via the comment thread of
    and see also comments in
    http://amormundi.blogspot.com/2012/12/entrepreneurial-scam-and-skim-artists.html )

    [O]ther Cryoncists are Satanists also including our favourite
    scammer David Styles. . .

    ". . .He is a member of a 'vampire' cult. . . called the
    'Temple of the Vampire'. . . a pyramid scheme that ask their
    members to pay them loads of money in exchange for 'teachings'
    that supposedly grant them immortality. . .

    Styles. . . has the rank of 'Adept',. . . the highest. He is also a member
    of their 'inner council' - the Order of Prometheus. . . a
    thought police in charge of silencing anybody who doesn't agree with them."

    . . .

    Styles is part of a Vampire Pyramid Scheme. . .
    to sell cryonics. . . to Twilight fans. . .
    [He] was exposed and is re-inventing himself as a transhumanist/cryonics advocate. . .
    [A]t least Vyff and Best know of the Satanist connections
    and even had to ask David to step down from the "board" at the Immortality Institute.

    . . .

    > Is there still a requirement to become involved in cryonics to join the
    > vampire priesthood?"

    [W]hen I was a member. . . cryonics was an absolute requirement to get
    into the priesthood (3rd circle).

    It was also a requirement to take the following oath (before the "undead gods"),
    sign it, and send it in to the temple:

    ". . .I swear by my life-force and the breath that
    sustains it my loyalty and obedience to Hekal Tiamat. I shall live by the
    force of fang and claw. I shall forever respect the one true law. I pledge
    my blood, my will, my power. I commit myself totally from this very hour.
    I am of and for the body of the blood. I now only serve the great dragon god.
    If this oath be ever broken by me, may I be denied immortality."

    This sort of power-worship isn't surprising, I guess. It reminds me
    of L. Ron Hubbard's alleged brush with the occultism of Aleister Crowley:
    (and see comments in
    http://amormundi.blogspot.com/2013/02/the-politics-of-futurological-anti.html ).

  9. Suddenly I have an overwhelming urge to watch this movie

    Screw the natural law!

    Death Becomes Her (3/10) Movie CLIP - Eternal Youth (1992) HD

    Death Becomes Her (6/10) Movie CLIP - Medical Mystery (1992) HD

    Death Becomes Her 1992 all in 5 minutes

    Death Becomes Her ~ Best of Meryl Streep

  10. Very timely:

    Ray K Q&A
    Will Living Forever Suck?
    Singularity University

    Kurzweil suggests that by the time we've significantly extended
    our average lifespan, we'll no longer be in a scarcity-driven
    world competing for finite resources. Take energy, for example.
    Kurzweil notes solar is on an exponential curve and has been
    doubling every two years.

    > "Well within 15 years, say, we'll be able to meet all of
    > our energy needs from solar. And at that point, we will be
    > using one part in 10,000 of the sunlight that falls on the Earth."

    Following the disruptive trends in energy are water, food, and
    manufacturing. Kurzweil suggests these areas are on a trajectory
    from scarcity to abundance. Many of today's resource-related limiting
    factors will be "solved" by the time radical life extension becomes
    a reality. . .

    Well, that's a "hard" prediction -- 15 years to 100% of energy
    from solar. I might even be around to see if it comes true.

  11. Apropos of the SF trope of naturally-occurring immortality
    (as in that 1970 TV show _The Immortal_, in which the trope is basically
    just alternative window dressing for a show that's structurally
    identical to _The Fugitive_), there was a third-season _Star Trek_
    episode (guest-starring James Daly) called "Requiem for Methuselah"),
    about the Enterprise's encounter with a reclusive (and unfriendly)
    exile from Earth who owns his own planet, and who is gradually
    revealed to be a natural-born immortal from Mesopotamian days
    who claims to be various historical and legendary figures
    from Earth's history, and who is attempting to create a female
    android to assuage his millennia-long loneliness.

    MCCOY: Physically human but not human. These are earlier versions
    of Rayna, Jim. She's an android.

    FLINT: Created here by my hand. Here, the centuries of loneliness
    were to end.

    SPOCK: Your collection of Leonardo da Vinci masterpieces, Mister Flint,
    they appear to have been recently painted on contemporary canvas with
    contemporary materials. And on your piano, a waltz by Johannes Brahms,
    an unknown work in manuscript, written in modern ink. Yet absolutely
    authentic, as are your paintings.

    FLINT: I am Brahms.

    SPOCK: And da Vinci?

    FLINT: Yes.

    SPOCK: How many other names shall we call you?

    FLINT: Solomon, Alexander, Lazarus, Methuselah, Merlin, Abramson. A hundred
    other names you do not know.

    SPOCK: You were born?

    FLINT: In that region of earth later called Mesopotamia, in the year 3834 BC,
    as the millennia are reckoned. I was Akharin, a soldier, a bully and a fool.
    I fell in battle, pierced to the heart and did not die.

    MCCOY: Instant tissue regeneration coupled with some perfect form of
    biological renewal. You learned that you were immortal and. . .

    FLINT: And to conceal it. To live some portion of a life, to pretend
    to age and then move on before my nature was suspected.

    SPOCK: Your wealth and your intellect are the product of centuries of
    acquisition. You knew the greatest minds in history.

    FLINT: Galileo, Socrates, Moses. I have married a hundred times, Captain.
    Selected, loved, cherished. Caressed a smoothness, inhaled a brief
    fragrance. Then age, death, the taste of dust. Do you understand?

    SPOCK: You wanted a perfect, ultimate woman, as brilliant, as immortal
    as yourself. Your mate for all time.

    FLINT: Designed by my heart. I could not love her more. . .

    It turns out that the author of that _Star Trek_ episode, Jerome Bixby,
    was fascinated by the idea, and wrote the screenplay of a feature-length
    film: _The Man From Earth_ (2007), with David Lee Smith as
    "John Oldman" a 14,000-year-old man from Neolithic days.

    The movie is basically an extended conversation -- Oldman is a college
    professor who is quitting his job and moving away (as he must
    do every decade or so before the people around him start
    getting suspicious of his remarkably persistent youth),
    and his colleagues give him a surprise farewell party.
    Oldman takes a chance (not well-received, as it turns out, even
    as a "tall tale") on revealing his true nature. His
    audience have various, in some cases extreme, reactions
    to his tale. It's talky, but well worth watching.

    It's on YouTube, if you can stand the inaccurate (lowered)

  12. I must say one of my favorite futurological genres -- it usually fancies itself deeply philosophical or, you know, "bioethical" -- consists of extended wish-fulfillment fantasizing prefaced by stern and Very Serious admonitions of the form: "many think that having magical powers, wealth beyond the dreams of avarice, or eternal youth would be terrible, but I bravely insist these daydreams would be awesome." Needless to say, this daring adolescent day-dreaming is usually coupled with a selective skimming from some qualified and incompletely understood research result which is hyperbolized beyond recognition, re-narrativized as a stepping along the road to some techno-transcendent aspiration, and then slapped with a prediction (cheap sustainable superabundance, cures to all diseases including "aging as a disease," artificial superintelligence, total control of matter) with an arrival-time snugly close-enough-to-tap-into-greed too-distant-to-demand-accountability, say, In! Twenty! Years!

  13. > "many think that having magical powers, wealth beyond the
    > dreams of avarice, or eternal youth would be terrible,
    > but I bravely insist these daydreams would be awesome."

    You know, one of the ironies of Peter Thiel's unabashed pursuit
    of personal immortality is that he's purported to be an
    evangelical Christian, at least according to
    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_Thiel .

    I would think that most doctrinal Christians would be
    likely to take the same view of immortality "in the flesh"
    that C. S. Lewis did:

    Death . . . is a safety-device because, once Man
    has fallen, natural immortality would be the one utterly
    hopeless destiny for him. Aided to the surrender
    that he must make by no external necessity of
    Death, free (if you call it freedom) to rivet faster
    and faster about himself through unending centuries
    the chains of his own pride and lust and of the
    nightmare civilizations which these build up in
    ever-increasing power and complication, he
    would progress from being merely a fallen man
    to being a fiend, possibly beyond all modes of

    C. S. Lewis, _Miracles_,
    Chapter 14 "The Grand Miracle", p. 210

    Though Lewis certainly did recognize the attraction of
    bodily immortality as a literary trope, in his review of
    H. Rider Haggard's _She_:

    Loc. cit.
    The story of Ayesha [in H. Rider Haggard's _She_]
    is not an escape, but it is about escape;
    about an attempt at the great escape,
    daringly made and terribly frustrated. . .
    [It]. . . externalise[s] the. . .
    psychological force[ of] our irreconcilable reluctance
    to die, our craving for an immortality in the flesh,
    our empirical knowledge that this is impossible,
    our intermittent awareness that it is not even
    really desirable, and (octaves deeper than all
    these) a very primitive feeling that the attempt,
    if it could be made, would be unlawful and would
    call down the vengeance of the gods. In. . . [the]
    book. . . the wild, transporting, and (we feel)
    forbidden hope is aroused. When fruition seems
    almost in sight, horrifying disaster shatters our
    dream. . ."

    C. S. Lewis, _On Stories (And Other Essays On Literature)_,
    "The Mythopoeic Gift of Rider Haggard", pp. 98-100

    A second irony is that Thiel allegedly considers himself
    a Tolkien fan
    ( http://upstart.bizjournals.com/entrepreneurs/hot-shots/2015/04/16/peter-thiel-has-founded-at-least-five-lord-of-the.html ).

    One of the deepest themes running throughout all of
    Tolkien's mythology is that the most potent temptation of
    evil is immortality (within the "Circles of the World") for Men,
    or the power to hold back change (perceived as decay)
    for the Elves. That's the fundamental power of all
    of the Rings.

    But if any should ask: why could not in Aman the blessing of
    longevity be granted to him, as it was to the Eldar? This must be
    answered. . .

    Now these things are but matters of thought, and might-have-
    beens; for Eru and the Valar under Him have not permitted
    Men as they are to dwell in Aman. Yet at least it may be seen
    that Men in Aman would not escape the dread of death, but
    would have it in greater degree and for long ages. And moreover,
    it seems probable that death itself, either in agony or horror,
    would with Men enter into Aman itself.

    -- J. R. R. Tolkien, an essay in _Morgoth's Ring_
    (Vol. 10 in the _History of Middle-earth_) explaining why Men are
    forbidden to sail West to the Undying Lands with the Elves

  14. Somewhere a four year old thinks it would be great to have a unicorn who farts glitter. Very Serious Thought Leader, possibly an Oxford-based bioethicist, I guess.
