Thursday, June 02, 2016

We All Have Our Little Dreams It Seems

Hey, I wish Elon Musk was just a Holodeck character too.


  1. I kinda like (in a laughing at the destruction of humanity kinda way) when I hear people act and talk about how good it is that he has given money to both sides. As if he did not do that simply to ensure whoever got elected would be on his side.

  2. Dream along with me. I'm on my way to a star. . .

    Elon Musk (and Stephen Hawking) are relatively new to this party
    (though unlike us mere internet geeks, they're "worthy" of attention
    by the mainstream media), but some of lesser-known geeky old-timers are
    still keeping the faith, bless their little hearts.

    Remember a certain old sparring partner who showed up in the
    comment threads here in posts such as:
    From Future Shock to Future Fatigue ?

    He's still defending his hero in the first comment on:

    Not A Review Of Neoreaction A Basilisk
    Andrew Hickey
    May 30, 2016

    AI, AI, AI, AI
    canta y no llores. . .

  3. > AI, AI, AI, AI

    We just don't understand it.

    But apparently Facebook's computers do:

    Facebook's DeepText A.I. can read, understand your posts
    Sharon Gaudin
    Jun 2, 2016

  4. Well of course Musk is protecting us from the robot apocalypse after all. He needs defending.

  5. This poofter prefers real musk over digi-Musk.

    Cytological Utopia and the rapture of the eukaryotes
    By Charlie Stross

    If you're a regular on this blog you're probably more than
    a little familiar with the Rapture of the Nerds
    (as Ken Macleod calls it). . .

    You're probably also familiar with the Simulation Argument,
    originally proposed by philosopher Nick Bostrom and most
    recently discussed in public by Elon Musk. . .

    This kind of intellectual masturbation is pleasurable but
    ultimately unproductive insofar as we can't -- at least
    from here -- examine either our own future outcomes or the
    context in which our universe is embedded. . .

    Let us posit for the sake of argument that one or the other
    case is actually true; that either we are living in an
    afterlife sim or that our descendants are going to colonize
    the universe, achieve immortality, and resurrect us all:

    Who, in this thought-experiment, qualifies as "us"?

    This is an essential conundrum at the heart of the Fed[o]rovite/Kurzweilian
    theory of the singularity as afterlife: where do you draw the line
    between consciousness and unconscious life, and then between life
    and un-life? Worse: it stacks the deck for the simulation hypothesis
    with additional unwelcome abstraction layers, multiplies the problem
    of suffering unimaginably. . ., and bloats the minimum viable
    capacity of the computing substrate required for a successful ancestor
    simulation to the point where it may not be possible within the
    physical constraints of a material universe.

    (And this is where my next non-series SF novel will probably come from ...)

    . . .

    Charlie Stross replied to this comment from Nader
    June 3, 2016

    > Incidentally, I'm very intrigued by the prospect of a novel
    > which treats the question raised here.

    Spoiler (for something I'm still writing): it's not about the
    question raised here, it's about the implications of people who
    believe this shit gaining influence and attempting to implement
    their various conflicting agendas. (Meta-spoiler: it all
    ends in tears before bedtime.)

    "But it's just a crazy game, and when it ends, it ends in tears."

    Dionne Warwick - A House Is Not Home Live 1964

  7. A YouTube paean to Elon Musk:
    The guy who is saving the world
    Published on Jan 21, 2015

    Sometimes you come across people who completely change your
    perception of what a human being is capable of. Today I'm
    going to show you one of those people. Someone who is basically
    a real-life Iron Man, but less of a douche and with slightly
    fewer glowing blue fusion reactors embedded in his chest
    (or at least he hides it well). . .

    So who is this superhero who's saving us from the brink
    of collapse? There was a genius billionaire in that
    picture, but it wasn't Robert Downey, Jr. The dude
    chilling with Tony Stark was Elon Musk, who Robert Downey, Jr.
    actually based the character of Iron Man on, by
    analyzing Elon's mannerisms, talking to him, and adding
    a healthy scoop of douche. . . So I was like "Holy crap,
    this guy is literally fixing the world. How did I not
    know about him? Is he famous? . . ."
