Thursday, June 02, 2016

Trump, The Chaos Candidate

I honestly thought that W. was the worst, most unqualified, most inept, most inappropriate, most catastrophic Presidential candidate the brainless bigoted greedhead GOP could unleash upon this country... and then John McCain gave Sarah Palin the Vice-Presidential nod, and now Republicans have awarded Donald Trump with their Party's nomination by an overwhelming majority of their ever more marginal minority of votes...


  1. > . . .and now Republicans have awarded Donald Trump with their
    > Party's nomination by an overwhelming majority of their ever
    > more marginal minority of votes...

    Chomsky: Today's GOP is a Candidate for Most Dangerous Organization in Human History
    Democracy Now!
    May 17, 2016

  2. There are terrible organizations of misguided and awful human beings everywhere, of course, but given its unique role in a country as ultra-rich and over-armed as ours I am very much inclined to agree with him.

  3. The view from the mirror universe:

    Unimpressed and Undecided

    I was so remarkably disenchanted by Mr. Trump’s performance in the
    last debate, that at the risk of seeming inconstant, I truly begin
    to wonder if his negatives do not outweigh is positives.

    I would gladly pull the lever for either Mr. Trump or Mr. Cruz,
    but would hope to maintain concord with any fellow Republican who
    prefers the other one.

    The deal is, I hold my nose and vote for your candidate if he
    wins the nomination if, in return, you agree to do the same for
    mine. We both agree to abide by the outcome of the nomination
    process. Deal?

    There are some who renounce the deal. They will never vote for Trump,
    no matter what. They will never vote for Cruz no matter what.

    Unwise. Because the “no matter what” still matters.

    Come the general election, all who are not yearning with their whole hearts
    for the destruction of his nation at the hands either of the aging felon
    Mrs. Clinton or the aging Bolshevik Mr. Sanders, must rally around whichever
    candidate is nominated.

    Better to vote for Cthulhu than for a democrat. . .

    But I hope they pick Cruz. He is a solid and principled conservative.
    He won a place in my heart when he filibustered for twenty four hours
    and more. And all the right people hate him. . .


  4. Pretty sure we're in the Mirror Universe. That puts Wright in the Sewer Universe.

  5. > . . .the worst, most unqualified, most inept, most inappropriate,
    > most catastrophic Presidential candidate the brainless bigoted
    > greedhead GOP could unleash upon this country. . .

    Would You Kill Baby Hitler? (And Other Psychopathic Musings, with Kevin Dutton)
    Big Think

    These are moral conundrums which are kind of played out in
    everyday life -- I'm obviously reducing these to absurdities,
    but these are the kinds of decisions, on a lesser level, that
    you have to make if you're a politician or if you're a world
    leader. Sending anyone out into battle, knowing that there's
    a chance that they might not come back; committing thousands
    of troops to a war; is something that not many people can carry
    lightly on their conscience. And if you look at psychopathic
    traits -- well actually, you know, psychopathic traits are pretty
    well represented in politicians and world leaders. You think
    about it. Politicians and leaders have to deal with all sorts
    of nasty kinds of crises during their administrations -- anything
    from the threats from rogue states to natural disasters like
    hurricanes or floods. Also, though, they have to be pretty
    confident to run for office at all. They have to be very good
    at presenting themselves in a certain light, and they have to
    be very persuasive and manipulative. One senior UK politician --
    who shall, for obvious reasons, remain nameless -- had a great
    quote. He said to me "In politics, the only way to know who's
    stabbing you in the back is to see their reflection in the
    eyes of the person stabbing you from the front." That's a great
    quote which for me sums up that kind of snakes-and-ladders-game
    every man for himself, cutthroat kind of existence
    that characterizes politics, I would say, across the board
    in most nations of the world.

    Charles Manson: Journey Into Evil [1995; Alan Goldberg; Judy Muller, narrator]
    "When I stand on the mountain and I say 'Do it!' it gets done.
    If it don't get done, then **I'll** move on it. And that's the
    last thing in the world you want me to do. . ."

    [S]ome of Manson's outlook on the world came from another
    uncle, a mountain man. "Out of the Kentucky mountains. When
    my uncle said 'We ain't surrendered. We're still rebels.
    And we'll be rebels until the end of time. Because I ain't
    acceptin' no Yankee school.' He said, 'Don't go to those
    schools, boy.' So when I was nine years old I set the
    school on fire. And I went to reform school. . ."
