Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Gizmos Drenched In Blood and Destined for Toxic Landfills

Still Accelerating Futurologically into Tech Heaven!


  1. A valuable campaign as long as it doesn't delude people into believing computers will be produced ethically once it succeeds. Untold oppression and suffering go into every corporate product. To end that reality we've got to fundamentally change the present economy.

  2. Everything or nothing, therefore nothing. All in the name of True Radicalism. Yawn.

  3. Do you disagree with my actual position or only the straw man you've created?

  4. I read your comment in the context of the many other comments you have posted over the last few days endlessly contributing to this theme. Do I agree that it would be wrong and bad for people to address the actual evil actually under discussion here in the actual post but then to decide for some reason that nothing else evil was or could be afoot? Of course I agree. Who wouldn't? There is literally no reason in the world for anybody to think otherwise. There was no reason for you to make that comment here. Unless of course you were stacking another brick in the wall of the larger case you've been making here for days. I assumed you were, and correctly so. Stop being a dick.

  5. There is literally no reason in the world for anybody to think otherwise.

    You consistently present issues in this fashion and it consistently baffles me. I provided a textbook radical critique of the essentially green consumerist project you posted. It's not universally accepted position by any means. Plenty of folks accept the notion of tweaking corporate capitalism wholesale.

  6. You know -- it occurs to me I'm just being baited and might as well stop rising to the bait.
