Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Free Market Fundy Faith in Unintelligent Design Has Failed As Spectacularly As Creationist Fundy Faith in Intelligent Design Has Done

Blaming the Greek victims of usury and speculation from their EU "partners" has become the inevitable preface to punishing the victims, the Greek people. Fundies can usually be counted upon to behave this way it would seem. The Hayekian/Friedmanian would-be disinventors of Keynesian macroeconomics now demand austerity for all but the fraud-fat beneficiaries of their market fundamentalist pseudo-science. Hear them howling from their pulpits among the neoliberal ruins that we will contract our way to expansion, that manna will trickle down from our worthy elites, and, in the meantime, "screw them all -- the predator gods of the marketplace will know their own." Who knew that these market-fundamentalists have spent all these decades evangelizing in Economics Departments providing us a test case for the disaster of "teaching the controversy" as a way to dismantle such science as is inconvenient to incumbents.


  1. Though it's probably no more accurate than with transhumanists, I must say in this case the parallel to religious fundamentalism amuses me. Here's to all my Greek comrades struggling in the streets against state and capital.

  2. Transhumanists clapping louder and louder welcoming the coming of the Robot God and Nano-Santa Tech Heaven is nothing like religion, no siree, not at all...
