Saturday, September 12, 2009

Norma Rae Murdered by the Corporate Slaughterhouse After All

Crystal Lee Sutton, the woman who was the inspiration for Sally Field's character in the still-wonderful 1979 movie "Norma Rae," died yesterday after a battle with cancer of the meninges. She was just 68 years old.

From an article last year:
She went two months without possible life-saving medications because her insurance wouldn't cover it, another example of abusing the working poor, she said. "How in the world can it take so long to find out (whether they would cover the medicine or not) when it could be a matter of life or death[?]" she said. "It is almost like, in a way, committing murder."

Indeed, it is like murder, in an incumbent corporate-militarist order that seeks parochial profits for the few over meeting the needs and serving the freedom of all the people who share the world, peer to peer.

Even those heroes who manage stunning victories against the odds for brief, shining moments in the battle against corporate-militarist hegemony eventually fail to hold up under the relentless ramifying intensifying onslaught of death-dealing cost-externalization risk-externalization harm-externalization status-informalization crisis-exacerbation -- the planetary precarization -- through which neoliberal-neoconservative futurological "development," "competition" "innovation" and "free trade" serves the interests of moneyed minorities and incumbency.

Keep Fighting for Every Employees' Right to Join a Union without Termination or Harassment. Keep Fighting for Everyone's Right to Health Care without Delay or Financial Duress. Keep Fighting to Dismantle the Obscenity of Corporate Personhood -- which renders actual persons second class citizens. Keep Fighting to Overturn the Doctrine that Money Is Speech, which renders money all that really talks.

Keep Fighting to Overthrow Corporate-Militarist Hegemony over the Planetary Precariate. Fight Their Future and Reopen Futurity Through the Fight for Democracy, Peer to Peer.

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