Saturday, September 12, 2009

Republican Bowel Movement

Movement Republicans continue the self-marginalization of the Republican Party into a white-racist patriarchal theocratic neo-Confederate Rump Party screaming ever more stridently to ever fewer folks.

Washington Post:
Conservative protesters by the tens of thousands crowded outside the U.S. Capitol on Saturday, a massive demonstration aimed at stopping what organizers called the over-expansion of the federal government under the Obama administration….

Estimates of the number of protesters varied widely but about 30,000 people have registered online for the march, according to one of the rally's sponsors, FreedomWorks, a Washington-based group headed by former House majority leader Dick Armey (R-Tex.).

Yes, even with the support of crazy-eyed Glenn Beck's media megaphone and an avalanche of corporate dollars from the phony "grassroots" impresarios of FreedomWorks, all the "teabaggers" and "deathers" and "birthers" and "tenthers" and other assorted anti-governmental nuts were able to muster "a massive demonstration" that exposed nothing so much as their actual utter marginality and irrelevance.

Compare these embarrassingly thin crowds of at most tens of thousands -- more people throng sporting events in every middling to major metropolitan area on a weekly basis -- to the hundreds of thousands and even millions of citizens who March on Washington and fill the streets of our cities to protest our illegal immoral wars, to declare their support for women's right to choose, for lgbtq rights, for working people everywhere.

Just think of the millions upon millions who protested the looming Iraq War even before it was launched (millions around the world who were utterly and immediately vindicated by the still unfolding bloody criminal tragedy to come), only to be ignored by the smug war-cheerleaders of the corporate media, only to be dismissed as an irrelevant "interest group" by the Killer Clown then occupying the White House.

Update: Latest estimates seem to put the anti-government protests at more like sixty to seventy thousand people, twice the numbers I read initially. That's a better showing, but still far from fearsome in my view, and infinitely far from earning these mouthbreathing reactionaries the right to declare themselves the "Real America" and all the rest of that garbage. These anti-civilizational activists are the rancid rump of an ever more marginal Rump Party, exposed as such by their own acts and properly to be treated as such.

1 comment:

  1. > Movement Republicans continue the self-marginalization
    > of the Republican Party into a white-racist patriarchal
    > theocratic neo-Confederate Rump Party screaming ever
    > more stridently to ever fewer folks.

    I keep running into those folks. Must be the neighborhood. ;->

    In the diner today, a late-middle-aged man and woman
    at the next table were talking about bowling, and the need
    for bowling coaches (the woman was indignantly arguing for,
    and the man was dismissive, apparently of the woman's
    likelihood of benefitting from such coaching).

    Then the conversation must have turned, and I heard the
    woman saying "I know when my Constitution is being trampeled
    on. I don't want to live in an America in which people
    are told what to think. Or an America that's turning
    into a socialist state."

    I can only guess what she was talking about. :-/
