Thursday, December 01, 2016

Repeat Repeat Repeat Repeat Repeat

Those who declare themselves "socially liberal" but "fiscally conservative" either deceive or are deceived about the crucial fact that the public investments on which social liberality indispensably depends are the very ones fiscal conservatives inevitably refuse to fund.


  1. To me it's a lesser evil than socially conservative and economic populist combo.

    As for the "socially liberal" but "fiscally conservative" combo, I'm not sure I've yet met the real deal. Perhaps you are correct that they are not jointly satisfiable. I find once you scratch the surface it's always fiscally conservative, but socially apolitical. As in, you're entitled to whatever "lifestyle" you can make economically viable on an unsubsidized basis in a laissez-faire market.

  2. As in, you're entitled to whatever "lifestyle" you can make economically viable on an unsubsidized basis in a laissez-faire market.

    Of course, the straight cis white dudes who believe this always disavow the extent to which their own "lifestyle" is subsidized by institutional expectations, laws on the books, budgetary priorities, normative and material infrastructure, benefit of the doubt from teachers, police, employers, and on and on and on and on... It's only a subsidy if you aren't a straight cis white guy, right? Kinda sorta like it's only a small world if you don't have to clean it.
