Tuesday, October 25, 2016


I don't have a kindle, but I have many thousands of books.

This is not an "anti-technology" stance, but my appropriate technology decision.


  1. Might I ask what is relatively inappropriate about Kindle technology? For me it's Digital Restrictions Mechanisms (DRM). You Clinton supporters tend to be pro-IP so I assume for you it's something else? I too have a large collection of bound volumes, but I've been exposing myself to classic (as in old enough to be out of copyright) works via the open source FB Reader app for Android.

  2. I wrote on Thursday, July 21, 2011: "When you finally toss your crappy Kindle in the trash because it cracked, or because of the expense, or because of the censorship, or because you grasp renting isn't owning a book, or because of all the ads you can't skip (and believe me, it's coming), don't pretend there wasn't somebody warning you and there isn't somebody laughing at you." I have lots of reasons for preferring bound volumes to e-books, but you'll forgive me if I don't know whether they are reasons shared by the "You Clinton supporters" tribe or gang or species to which I now apparently belong to my misfortune. I missed the meeting in which kindles were discussed and so cannot say if I share the "tendencies" you so kindly ascribe to me on the subject because I preferred Clinton to the ill-prepared and rather vapid (in my view) Bernie Sanders in the primary and now prefer her to the authoritarian bigot idiot (in my view) Donald Trump in the general. I assign open source texts in my classes and have read many as well to my delight and edification -- do try not to think too terribly harshly of me as I serve my monstrous queen.

  3. I also found Sen. Sanders a bit vapid, at least on foreign policy. Much of the labor movement seems to have gone on a pro-IP bender (especially the Hollywood unions of course) if paid placements in Fecebook are any barometer. Probably unfair of me to ascribe such a tendency to Clintonistas in general. Clinton is, after all, nominally anti-TPP at this point history.

  4. I distrust Clinton's trade politics and my own anti-IP stance (my dissertation touched on these issues back in 05) is not where the Democratic Party seems to be landing. Clinton's always been more left than she gets credit for -- back in her husband's administration I considered her very much to his left -- and she's moved more left still lately in a sensible recognition of the way the wind is blowing through the Obama epoch, but I'm still to her left on trade (as so many) issues. The coziness of the Democratic Party to tech VC talkers worries me enormously as you may recall, indeed I regard this as one of the greatest threats to an emerging working real-left Democratic Party coalition in a diversifying, secularizing, planetizing America -- as the GOP immolates itself the many moneyed rats are likely to turn to the Dems and their present embrace of "tech-friendly" innovation/disruption/acceleration pieties provides a terribly friendly opening for reactionary mischief. This is a culture/discourse/rhetoric war, and one I am fighting in my teaching as well as my writing as you know. As for IP, I personally think fair use should be greatly expanded, copyright terms greatly truncated, and public subsidization of research and writing and culture should be the norm rather than the current chaotic and fraud-prone profiteering -- of course I disapprove libertechbrotarian strategies that sound as they approve something like these very ideals in order to rationalize shar(ecropp)ing feudalization of creative expressivity in the present and so I realize the politics are tricky here. I think the politics should focus on expanding public grants and long-term unemployment benefits and raising education salaries first to ensure that re-opening cultural commons does not amount to predation.
