Saturday, October 29, 2016

Lousy T-Shirts of the Future

All t, all shade...


  1. What about asteroid mining? Any lousy future there?

  2. Don't even get me started on the goddamn space elevator or seasteaders planning to "Go Galt" in the asteroid belt! That's the hilarious thing about the lousy list... I didn't even mention uploading or sexbots or cell-culture meat or animal "uplift" or bringing back neanderthals or traversible worm holes or terraforming escape hatches or driverless cars and on and on and on.

    Futurology is an endlessly faceted infomercial network of con-artists who have managed to convince a terrified greedy insulated anti-intellectual mob of white supremacist patriarchal pricks that they are scientists, experts, and philosophers as they defraud the rubes and distract attention from the avoidable end of the world they are accelerating through consumption, pollution, division, and derangement.

    It's all lousy futures all the way down. Only sustainability, equity, diversity, reconciliation, responsibility, and professionalism in the present can build next-presents that last and deserve to last.

    In this last year the foolishness and horror of the primary and general election season, then a terrible health scare and an exacerbation of what has been the years-long humiliation of adjunctcy have finally brought me to the brink of exhaustion and despair...

    Maybe a good election result unattended by ugly violence, ratification of a rumored contract after years of strikes and negotiations, and a recuperative break for the holidays during which some legal recreational weed will help me get some sleep for once will be enough to pull me out of this long dive...
