Thursday, September 29, 2016

The Future Is An Ad For Crap In The Present

Just saw a Vonage commercial premised on the patently false beliefs that Drexlerian nanotechnology is real and the space shuttle is still operating...


  1. > Just saw a. . . commercial premised on the patently false beliefs. . .

    Never more than a little bit of customization required.
    We’ve seen it so many times before, you think we’d learn.
    The glib, charismatic con man, short on evidence but long
    on vision. The desirable dream: cure my fatal disease,
    show me proof of an afterlife, teach me how to unleash my
    psychic powers. We’re supposed to be good at recognizing
    those, and rejecting them. But it turns out that the
    con man just needs to tailor his fantasy to fit, and he can
    reach even the hard core skeptics. . .

    Big Daddy will show us the way!

  2. Didn't you notice a powerful and obnoxious odor of mendacity in this room?

  3. > Didn't you notice a powerful and obnoxious
    > odor of mendacity in this room?

    One o' them no-neck monsters must've cut the cheese.
