Friday, September 30, 2016

Enthusiasm For Me Not For Thee!

Every time I express enthusiasm for HRC or joy at the prospect of an HRC victory the Purity Cabaret left warns me about smugness, concern-trolls me about complacency and chicken-littles me over "shy" Trump Voters and "legitimate" economic anxieties and I honestly think this is because they're still mad, their souls are sad and their politics are bad.


  1. Anonymous8:10 AM

    Smugness? Assessments of you are correct. Dems can vary possibly lose. Your like a complacent fool in 1936 Germany waiting to get on the Auschwitz express. Perhaps when the Donald and his Politburo take office and your required to wear a pink triangle on your jacket will you take notice.

  2. You seem very smart, brave Anonymous. The spelling errors and spittle-flecked Nazi reference are the tells.
