Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Bewarable Technology Never Quite Fits.

Been a while since I pitched a futurological brickbat through your windoze.


  1. > Bewarable Technology. . .

    There was a guest "rant" about the Human Brain Project on
    "mathbabe"'s (Cathy O'Neil's) blog at the end of last year,
    last mentioned around here in the comment thread of
    ("Relevant Expertise in the Critique of Robocultism",
    Friday, November 20, 2015 -- that was the exchange with
    brain-simulation-optimist Gareth Nelson, transplanted from
    a Twitter exchange with Dale).

    Every once in a while I go looking for news about the Human Brain
    Project, and so I hit on the "mathbabe" blog post
    ("a guest post by a neuroscientist who may or may not be
    a graduate student somewhere in Massachusetts") once again
    ( ).

    There was an amusing item in the comment thread:

    November 3, 2015

    The other thing that this brain simulation stuff is selling
    is nouveau AI by riding on those coattails.

    What bothers me is that there are hopeful, quite serious people
    like Kurzweil and various transhumanists who are setting people
    up to be victimized by scammers. This idea of a consciousness
    download by “destructive scanning” of the brain’s connectome,
    (perhaps after death) has taken hold and is on the verge of
    being marketed.

    Like the cryonics, it is total nonsense. It is a con to suggest to
    people that they can be “saved” this way, and the usual suspects
    are lining up to suck money out of hopeful rubes by suggesting
    they might live forever.

    You know, it hadn't actually occurred to me before that at some point in
    the possibly near future, there might well be some kind of
    (dead-and-sliced) "brain scanning" technique that might be cheap
    enough to provide a marketable alternative to to a "head job"
    or "neuro" cryonics option (though with about as much likelihood
    of ever allowing the client to be "reanimated"). And some
    quick-off-the-mark startup (possibly funded with venture capital
    from one of the Usual Suspects ;-> ) might materialize to
    take advantage of this business opportunity. Serious competition
    for Alcor and the Cryonics Institute! At any rate, it would
    certainly be easier to guarantee the long-term preservation of
    the resulting (unlimitedly replicable) digital data set than it is to
    guarantee the long-term stability of a head in a tank of liquid
    nitrogen. And almost certainly cheaper too! Best of all worlds! ;->

    I'm reminded of that J. G. Ballard story "The Time-Tombs" (1963):
    "There were no corpses in the time-tombs, no dusty skeletons.
    The cyber-architectonic ghosts which haunted them were embalmed
    in the metallic codes of memory tapes, three-dimensional
    molecular transcriptions of their living originals, stored
    among the dunes as a stupendous act of faith, in the hope that
    one day the physical recreation of the coded personalities
    would be possible. After five thousand years the attempt had
    been reluctantly abandoned, but out of respect for the tomb-
    builders their pavilions were left to take their own hazard
    with time in the Sea of Vergil..."


  2. I keep hoping and praying the Randian Atlases really will just go ahead and Go Galt already leaving us moochers to fend for ourselves without them and the tranhumanoidal sooperman will just go ahead and poshumanize themselves by thin-slicing and photocopying their brains for uploading onto facebook as immortal cyberangels leaving us deathist luddite mehum scum to fend for ourselves without them... nobody is stopping them and nobody will miss them when they go. Oy, Superman!

  3. Joe Rogan, futurologist.
    Joe Rogan on Gaddafi Death, Hillary Clinton, Information, Artificial Intelligence & Sentient Tech
    King Joe Rogan
    Aug 1, 2016


    Joe Rogan: I've always wondered if one day they'll be able to create
    a computer that's so powerful that it will be able to somehow, through
    some unseen technology, take account of everything that's in place
    as it is right now in the world. Then, monitor for a certain amount
    of time and then go backwards, and try to figure out "Well, all
    these things got into place because of these events and these
    motions" and then be able to recreate it digitally. It sounds
    ridiculous. . .

    Dave Smith: But hey, who knows?

    Rogan: . . . right now, but if we can get to a place where
    they can literally do an account of everything that's happened,
    every pebble that's on this earth, and go "You know what?
    We can extrapolate. We can take all this data, follow it for
    a short amount of time, and then, within a 99% accuracy,
    go back in time and reacreate events. That sounds so stupid
    and ridiculous, but that might be, almost, a method of a
    virtual time travel, just super-calculation. Just take into
    account all the things that we do know, all the pieces
    that are in place right now, everthing that's there, all
    the people that are there, and then figure out how they
    got there.

    Smith: Account for all factors.

    Rogan: Yeah, account for everything. A mass of super
    calculations impossible for the human mind to even conceive
    of, and then -- boom, they have a digital recreation of. . .
    George Washington fuckin' his sister, and lyin' about the
    cherry tree. . .

    Smith: He was full of shit the whole time! . . .

    Rogan: Wouldn't it be incredible? I mean, if they could
    literally get to a position where they could do a calculation
    that's so complete that they could feed it into some sort
    of a someday-created virtual reality machine that will
    give you, like, a version of that -- you can go back and
    watch the asteroid that killed the dinosaurs.

    Smith: If humans can manage to not, like, destroy ourselves
    or we don't have some asteroid reset, or something like that,
    we're gonna **do** magical shit like that, I'm sure.
    We're already doing magic compared to what we could do a
    hundred years ago. . .

    Rogan: Well Sam Harris was talking about it, and it was
    fuh-reakin' me out, because he was talking about the power
    that computer are going to have once they. . . once
    artificial intelligence becomes sentient, the power that
    they're gonna have to improve upon themselves, and how
    quickly that's gonna take place, where thousands of years
    of progress is gonna take place in a week. And you're like
    wait! wait! wait! wait! what? And then, it's just, from
    there, each time they improve, it improves exponentially.
    Thousands more years, maybe in an hour. Thousands more
    years, in a couple of seconds. . .

    Smith: Oof!

    Rogan: It's just gonna get to some insane place where
    you're saying. . . They're reasonably certain that one
    day you're gonna have a machine that's like an atom machine,
    that you shoot out into the universe, and given an amount
    of time extracting all the building materials it needs
    from the sky, it'll make a planet. . .

    Smith: Hmm.

    Rogan: It'll make a planet and inhabit that planet with
    intelligent life. And then we can go there. And then it'll
    be like Miami in the sky. . . Literally, you could create
    anything. . .

    Smith: You might already be livin' in it. Maybe that's
    how we all got here.

    Rogan: Even in one of Elon Musk's more recent talks, he
    talked about that. . . And if Harris is right the real
    problem with that -- and this is not even his idea, this
    is all these people that are really at the forefront of all
    this technology. . . we're not gonna be, but **something** is
    gonna be a god. It literally is gonna be able to create

    Smith: Yeah. . .

  4. > Rogan: Well Sam Harris was talking about it, and it was
    > fuh-reakin' me out, because he was talking about the power
    > that computers are going to have once they. . . once
    > artificial intelligence becomes sentient. . .
    > And if Harris is right the real problem with that --
    > and this is not even his idea, this is all these people
    > that are really at the forefront of all this technology. . .
    > we're not gonna be, but **something** is
    > gonna be a god.

    I wonder if anybody is going to try to put a bag over
    Sam Harris' head to try to rein in his hyperventilation
    before he makes a complete ass of himself in public
    (if that hasn't already happened ;-> ).

    I suspect not -- I suspect he may already be surrounded
    by a plasma of enablers and yes-bots insulating him from
    cold hard reality. He's also probably getting high from
    breathing the same air in the hype-o-sphere with the likes
    of Ray Kurzweil and Elon Musk. "They're all friends of mine"
    dontcha know!

    And I can just imagine having a conversation with Joe Rogan
    (not that I'd ever be in a position to have a conversation
    with Joe Rogan!), with him saying "Sam Harris says X.
    Elon Musk says Y. Who the hell are **you**?".

    Ah, celebrity "culture"! ;->
    Singularitarianism Must be Challenged by Skeptics
    by Myron Getman
    27th August 2010

    Lately, there has been a fair amount of credulous coverage of the
    concept of transhumanism and the singularity on Skeptical podcasts
    and otherwise skeptical media. To my recollection, Massimo Pigliucci
    and Steven Novella are the only high-profile folks providing any
    appropriate counterpoint. After listening to the second episode
    on the topic on Skeptically Speaking, I decided I could hold
    my tongue no longer. It seems to me the Skeptic community,
    as a whole, is doing a piss-poor job being skeptical on this

    As a Geologist and Microscopist looking in, transhumanism,
    futurism and sigularitarianism all look to be nothing more
    than science fiction-based wishful thinking. That is not
    to say that there are great strides being made in computer
    science and technology or that the idea of augmenting oneself
    is appealing. As a Skeptic and an Atheist, I have observed
    a number of parallels between this
    futurist-whatever-you-want-to-call-it and woo-woo, cults,
    and – yes – religion. . .

    If someone was to go on a Skeptic show and say similar things
    about crystals and New Age woo, they would almost certainly
    be challenged. Why did this not happen? Is it because robots
    are “good” and crystals are “bad”? Stop playing favorites.
    Someone needs to stand up and start shouting
    “show me the evidence”! . . .

  5. Has any futurist predicted what might happen if Joe Rogan becomes sentient?

  6. > Has any futurist predicted what might happen if Joe Rogan becomes sentient?

    Apparently that moment has already come and gone.
    Chad Lott said...

    As a fan of cage fighting, conspiracy theory and psychedelia,
    I of course enjoy listening to the Joe Rogan Experience.

    From that show, and a few other podcasts there's been a
    kind of quasi-men's movement developing. It has a macho Libertarian
    heart, but seems to be doing its best to be inclusive and thoughtful.

    It's been interesting to see futurological discourse play
    out in this kind of psychedelic meathead bro-space (I'm going
    to have to admit to having sympathies to the culture) there's
    definitely a technology fandom, but it seems to be kept in check
    with a certain amount of juvenile silliness.

    Sort of Jackass meets the Singularity.

    There's been quite a bit of criticism on the forums and
    podcasts of this scene on the futurological stuff over the
    last few week where it never existed.

    People still talk about how cool it would be to have a
    robot handjob and then a 3D printed pizza, but
    "don't hold your breath" and "hey, you know you can just
    like that stuff now without joining a cult" are gaining steam.

    Weird times, for sure.

    By the way, I misspoke earlier. I said "I can just imagine
    having a conversation with Joe Rogan. . ., with him saying
    "Sam Harris says X. Elon Musk says Y. Who the hell are **you**?".

    Rogan wouldn't say that. He'd say "Who the **fuck** are you?"


  7. I haven't been able to sustain even minimal interest in cage fighting since it stopped providing crotch shots of Roger Huerta in his boxer briefs, although I will admit I was long fascinated with Ultimate Fighter as a show in a twisted conversation with America's Next Top Model about patriarchy's toll on fame whores.

  8. > . . .crotch shots of Roger Huerta. . .

    There was actually an article about male crotches at the Olympics
    in today's _New York Times_.
    At the Olympics, Everyone’s Looking. Especially at the Men.
    AUG. 10, 2016

    Call them the “Magic Mike” Olympics. . .

    Another cohort following the Olympics. . . does so without much
    knowledge or even interest in the rules and arcana. They are
    the armchair voyeurs, excited by the sight of bodies at the peak
    of perfection. That those bodies are often clad in uniforms
    leaving little to the imagination is part of the appeal.

    It’s hard to imagine in earlier and more puritanical times a
    feature like “36 of the Greatest Summer Olympic Bulges”
    appearing in a mainstream American magazine, even one as
    prurient as Cosmopolitan. Yet fashions shift in all things.
    And a Cosmo slide show that captures and rates the genital
    endowments of various male athletes almost immediately went
    viral across social media. Unprintable here, the subheadline
    even suggests awarding gold medals for exceptional, uh,

    Bulges are as inevitable a part of the Summer Games as Bob Costas. . .
    There is a decided change, however, in the way performance fabrics
    have increased the visibility of virtually any body part they
    purport to cover and equally in the frankness of a contemporary
    viewer’s gaze.

    “People make fun of us for wearing tights,” Mr. [Sam] Mikulak
    [a US gymnast] told The Journal. “But if they saw how yoked we
    are maybe that would make a difference.”

    Consider “yoked” (Urban Dictionary: “well muscled, powerfully built”)
    a keyword for an Olympics whose stark objectification of the
    male body is in line with. . . the billions of images proliferating
    across social media of hot dudes doing practically anything.

    Women and gay men are assumed to be the audience for these
    displays. The truth is, everybody’s looking. . .

  9. Maybe not Rogan, but Rogen.
    Seth Rogen Is Making a Comedy Series About Ray Kurzweil's Singularity Theory
    Cheryl Eddy
    47 minutes ago

    . . .

    Rogen said that he and producing/writing partner Evan Goldberg. . .
    were hard at work on the script and were planning to film the
    pilot next year. . . “It’s about artificial intelligence.
    It’s a half-hour comedy about the singularity basically,”
    before adding that the singularity theory is “super scary
    and we’re trying to make a comedy about it.”

    No, not super scary. Just super silly.

    And under "Recommended Stories":
    Ray Kurzweil Is Talking Bullshit Again
    Matt Novak

    . . .

    Kurzweil does have a gajillion degrees, a gajillion and a half companies,
    and he certainly contributed greatly to the field of AI research
    before he went off the futurist deep end.

    Perhaps Douglas Hofstadter said it best when describing Kurzweil.
    Hofstadter explained to American Scientist in 2007, “what I find
    is that it’s a very bizarre mixture of ideas that are solid and
    good with ideas that are crazy. It’s as if you took a lot of
    very good food and some dog excrement and blended it all up
    so that you can’t possibly figure out what’s good or bad.”

    I think in this case we found the dog excrement.

    ( )

  10. "Kurzweil [...] certainly contributed greatly to the field of AI research"

    Really? Youtube still recommends Sargon and Thunferf00t videos without Videoblocker, I'm not seeing any advances in "AI."

  11. Kurzweil is twirling, twirling towards the singularity.
