Sunday, July 10, 2016

The Kinsey Sicks Appreciation Week: "I Wanna Be A Republican"


  1. "I'm tired of doing what I should
    wanna do what I can can can can
    Grab as much as I can, keep it all for me. . .

    I'm tired of thinkin' about you
    when it's all about me me me me. . .

    Now I've found a place where I'm embraced
    for being selfish and mean. . ."

    How Did Right Wingers Get So Obsessed with Ayn Rand?
    David Pakman Show
    Published on Jun 18, 2016

  2. "Republicanism" knows no national boundaries.
    What a surprise!
    Korean Official, Calling for Class System, Hears Woofs, Oinks and Outrage
    JULY 12, 2016

    . . .

    [A] senior. . . official [of the South Korean Education Ministry]. . .
    told reporters that the country should put in place a class system
    in which 99 percent of South Koreans should be treated
    “like dogs and pigs.”. . .

    The outrage, and the government’s quick attempts at damage control,
    reflect how sensitive South Koreans have become over worsening
    income inequality, and what officials and critics of the government
    call a rising tension between the country’s poor and rich.

    “I believe that we should solidify a class system in our society,”
    Mr. [Na Hyang-wook], 47, was quoted as telling Kyunghyang reporters
    over dinner on Thursday. “The people should be treated like dogs and pigs.
    It’s enough just to feed them and let them live.”

    Asked who “the people” were, Mr. Na said they were the “99 percent,”
    adding that he was trying to belong to “the 1 percent,” Kyunghyang said.

    He compared South Korea’s so-called 99 percent to “blacks and Hispanics
    in the United States who don’t even try to enter politics or climb
    the social ladder.”

    Mr. Na also said he did not sympathize with a 19-year-old subcontractor
    who was hit and killed by a train while carrying out repairs at a
    subway station in Seoul, the capital, in May. An investigation showed
    that the man had been working without adequate safety measures and
    that he was paid less than half of what regular subway workers
    performing similar tasks earn.

    When newspapers reported that the worker was given little time for
    meals — he was found with a package of unopened instant noodles
    in his bag — his death became a rallying cry for some against
    the plight of young, poor South Koreans known as “dirt spoons,”
    who they said stood no chance against “gold spoons,” or the
    children of the rich. . .

    The (now ex-) education official claimed "he was so drunk when
    he met the reporters from Kyunghyang last Thursday that he could
    not remember what he had said. He added that the reported remarks
    did not reflect his beliefs."

    What's that Latin expression -- "in vino veritas"?

    Anyway, something to keep in mind when you order the next model
    Samsung Galaxy from the Republic of Galt -- er, South Korea --
    via Galt's On-Line Department Store -- er, Amazon.

