Sunday, July 17, 2016

The Kinsey Sicks Appreciation Week Ends: "Things You Shouldn't Say"

But the appreciation goes on... Thanks to Jim for shining the spotlight!


  1. > "Things You Shouldn't Say"

    So I had a chance to watch the first few episodes of _Veep_
    last night.

    In the first episode, "Fundraiser", a behind-the-scenes conversation
    between Vice President Selina Meyer (Julia Louis-Dreyfus) and
    frenemy Senator Barbara Hallowes goes like:

    Hallowes: Hey, did you fire your tweet monkey yet? Because that guy
    is a weapons-grade retard.

    Selina: I know.

    Hallowes: I think you might have been hoist by your own retard there.

    Dan: [laughs] That's a good one.

    Then a bit later, at a fundraiser, Meyer's prepared speech is last-minute
    redacted to bits by the President's liaison to the VP's office (the hated
    Jonah Ryan), leaving her twisting in the wind for something to say.

    In impromptu desperation, she recycles Hallowes' joke about the
    ill-advised tweet ("hoist by our own retard") for the benefit
    of the gathered press, immediately creating a brand-new PR nightmare
    for herself.

  2. The ongoing accumulation of fucked up beyond wrong things Selina Meyer says over the run of Veep is matched only by its English predecessor In The Thick of It... tho I must say that Jonah's epic aria of insults to a bedridden post-cardiac arrested and also fired Dan gives Iannucci's earlier satire a run for it's money -- and if you disagree, well, fuckety-bye:
