Friday, July 29, 2016

Patriarchal White Supremacy Is A Bubble That Fancies Itself A Citadel

Sustained by wealth and privilege and violence the mirage of the citadel desperately lingers, but every four years since 2008 the bubble pops.


  1. > . . .A Bubble That Fancies Itself. . .

    Jordan Catalano reads books!

    Who'd a thunk it?
    Jared Leto Loves Atlas Shrugged, Because Of Course He Does
    Beth Elderkin
    July 30 2016

    . . .

    In an interview with Scribd, actor Jared Leto shared some of his
    favorite books of the moment. Titles included Siddhartha, a book
    by Herman Hesse about some dude trying to find enlightenment,
    Finn, about the dude dad of Huckleberry Finn, and a biography
    about tech dude Steve Jobs. And of course, Ayn Rand’s
    not-technically-libertarian classic about the ultimate dude
    on a mission, Atlas Shrugged.

    What is it with guys and Atlas Shrugged? I’ve dated at least
    two who’ve snuck copies into my bookshelf swearing “it will
    change your life.” It’s become such a trope that The Atlantic
    has a recurring column about the “Ayn Rand Guy,” who’s sent
    dozens of emails over the years about the sad state of the world. . .

    Dude! I can see your politics!

  2. Oh, those libertarians.

    2014 Hans Jenny Memorial Lecture: Chris Mooney, "The Science of Why We Don't Believe in Science"
    UC Berkeley Events
    Apr 10, 2014 )


    what holds [libertarians and conservatives]. . .
    together. . . is that they believe in economic liberty --
    not "stay out of my bedroom" but "stay out of my economy,
    stay out of my marketplace Stop tilting the scales so that
    there's winners and losers." And they're closely allied on that.
    And that is the moral foundation that drives all the denial
    of environmental science. Because all the denial of environmental
    science is tagged with this idea that they want to regulate.
    They want to change the way the economy would work if you didn't
    mess with it, and that's not fair. Not only is it not fair,
    it's actually morally wrong. OK? And so their responses to
    environmental science, especially climate science, are deeply
    emotional and automatic, and are emerging from this moral foundation.
    And the moral foundation drives the motivated reasoning, and
    one thing I didn't say about libertarians, but you already know,
    is that they're often **extremely** smart. OK? So, they've got
    this moral foundation, they have a lot of knowledge, and they can
    argue **endlessly** with you about how climate science is wrong.
    OK? So, you know, do a radio show. Go on the radio, talk about
    global warming. Wait for the callers, OK? Male libertarians
    will tell you why you're wrong. OK? I've done it so many times.
    So sure enough, when it comes to these issues you actually have
    a classic case of the smart idiot effect. . .

    [T]he last thing you should do, if you want to persuade someone, is
    to run out and try to explain environment science to a libertarian. . .
    -- especially one that's good at science and math.
    OK? Like, there's so many other people you could be trying to persuade.
    From a communications standpoint, the most important upshot
    of the research is that resistance is coming from a particular set of people
    with a particular set of emotions and motivations that are extremely
    important to them and who they are. But, by definition, there's a vast
    middle, always, of people that are not those people. . .

    And so the folks at Yale do the "six Americas of global warming".
    The "doubtful" and the "dismissive" -- they're the hard-core deniers -- they're
    a small percentage overall. . . The "dismissive" think they know
    everything. They think they have every reason why it's a hoax. It's not
    a good place to start your communications. . .

    So, some people when they first learn about all of this psychology research,
    the first reaction is to get really cynical and to think "it's hopeless.
    We'll never convince anybody. . . I throw in the towel."
    My view is this -- we have had wildly unrealistic expectations about
    how persuasion works for a long time. Blame the Enlightenment. Blame something,
    OK?. . .

    I blame it on the Bossa Nova.

  3. Are you a West Wing fan? It veers into patriarchal prick territory so often I have consigned it to the guilty pleasure column, but your final comment immediately conjured for me this:

  4. Jared Leto hasn't really managed to blip my radar since My So Called Life, well, he gets a minor blip for Requiem for a Dream, too, but performing the lame love object in an ensemble of more blinding lights -- hell, even Daria's Trent was the more, er, three-dimensional performance of the lame love object role for the genre and the period, you ask me.

  5. > your final comment immediately conjured for me this:

    That's cute, but "Blame it on the Bossa Nova" always (or at least
    for the past couple of decades) makes me think of Max von Sydow
    (as "Leland Gaunt", aka The Devil) in the 1993 Stephen King movie
    _Needful Things_. (Unfortunately, I can't find a clip of his
    final speech about personal responsibililty to the townspeople
    on YouTube ;-> ).

    Needful Things Official Trailer #1 - Max von Sydow Movie (1993) HD
    Movieclips Trailer Vault

  6. > . . .Patriarchal. . .

    Coloring outside the lines in the ideological
    coloring book:

    Erin Pizzey Speaks at the Domestic Violence 2014 Symposium in Toronto
    Jun 12, 2014

  7. > . . .A Bubble. . .
    What’s Next at Fox News, With Ailes Out and Murdoch In?
    Jim Rutenberg
    JULY 31, 2016

    . . .

    James Murdoch['s]. . . leanings. . . are decidedly different
    from his father’s (with an important exception, friends say:
    free-market fiscal policy).

    James Murdoch’s wife, Kathryn, is a trustee of the Environmental
    Defense Fund and a former director at the Clinton Climate Initiative.
    The couple started Quadrivium, a foundation that focuses
    on the “sustainable use of resources” and “scientific understanding.”
    James has spearheaded initiatives to make the company “carbon neutral.”

    In an essay in Time magazine in December, he wrote, “Entrenched
    and compromised interests spin the fiction that science is more
    divided than united, and they sow seeds of uncertainty on issues
    of unquestionable priority: namely, the survival of our species
    on this planet.”. . .

    Fox News’s reporting often tells a much different story. Its
    hosts don’t hesitate to report that “the science is still in
    question,” as Heather Childers recently did, or that warnings
    about climate change are emanating from “people aligned with
    the political left in the scientific community,” as the host
    Steve Doocy said in April while promoting a film purporting
    to debunk climate change. . .

    David Fenton, a longtime strategist for progressive causes. . .
    said. . . [that t]he Murdoch outlets have been standing in the way. . .
    by creating a “false reality bubble denying science” that
    scares amenable Republican politicians away from the cause. . .

    But it’s impossible to talk about the intersection of their
    political and business interests without lingering for a moment
    on the latter. Even if some of Fox News’s programming drives one
    or both of the brothers bananas, it is still a major cash generator
    for 21st Century Fox, with $1.6 billion in operating profit
    in fiscal 2015. . .

  8. > Donald Trump has been really, frankly, making history. . .
    > I think there's a lot of relevant subject matter to a manosphere. . .
    > I mean, you're seeing a **man**. And
    > you're seeing a single person exert **balls**. Masculinity.

    In my Ordensburgen a youth will grow up before which the
    world will shrink back. A violently active, dominating, intrepid,
    brutal youth - that is what I am after. Youth must be all those
    things. It must be indifferent to pain. There must be no weakness
    or tenderness in it. I want to see once more in its eyes the gleam
    of pride and independence of the beast of prey. Strong and handsome
    must my young men be. I will have them fully trained in all
    physical exercises. I intend to have an athletic youth - that is
    the first and chief thing. In this way I shall eradicate the
    thousands of years of human domestication. Then I shall have in
    front of me the pure and noble natural material. With that I can
    create the new order. I will have no intellectual training.
    Knowledge is ruin to my young men... "

    -- Herman Rauschning, _Hitler Speaks_ (1939)

    Balls! I wanna see some balls!
