Thursday, July 28, 2016

Bile Is Boring

Bile is to ridicule as sarcasm is to irony as cynicism is to paradox -- all surrenders masquerading as provocations.


  1. >. . .ridicule. . .irony. . .paradox. . .
    Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Donald Trump (HBO)
    Feb 28, 2016


    But when he's sworn in as President on January 20, 2017,
    on that day, his opinions are going to matter. And you
    **will** remember that date. 'Cause it's the one time-travellers
    from the future will come back to to try and stop the whole
    thing from happening.

    And listen. I get. . . I get that the character of Donald Trump
    is entertaining, and that he says things that people want to hear,
    and I know his very name is powerful. Just listen to this one
    supporter explain what it means to her:

    "I was a little girl. I didn't even know what Trump Towers were,
    but I knew that he was a wealthy, successful man. . ."

    "Somehow, like, there was a. . . even as a very young kid,
    the word 'Trump' sort of meant 'rich'. . ."

    "It meant 'success'. . ."

    She's not even wrong. "Trump" does sound rich. It's almost
    onomatopoeic. **Trump!** It's the sound produced when a mouthy
    servant is slapped across the face with a wad of thousand-dollar
    bills. **Trump!** It's the sound of a cork popping on a couple's
    champagneaversary, the day the renovations in the wine cellar
    were finally completed. The very name "Trump" is the cornerstone
    of his brand. If **only** there were a way to uncouple that magical
    word from the man he really is. Well, guess what? There is!
    Because it turns out the name "Trump" was not always his family's
    name. One biographer found that a prescient ancestor had changed
    it from -- and this is true -- "Drumpf". Yes! Fucking "Drumpf"!
    And "Drumpf" is much less magical. It's the sound produced when a
    morbidly obese pigeon flies into the window of a foreclosed Old Navy.
    **Drumpf!** It's the sound of a bottle of store-brand root beer
    falling off a shelf in a gas-station mini-mart. And it may seem
    weird to bring up his ancestral name. But to quote Donald Trump,
    "He should be proud of his heritage." Because "Drumpf" is much more
    reflective of who he actually is. So if you are thinking of voting
    for Donald Trump, the charismatic guy promising to make America great
    again, stop and take a moment to imagine how you would feel if you
    just met a guy named Donald Drumpf, A litigious serial liar with
    a string of broken business ventures and the support of a former
    Klan leader who he can't decide whether or not to condemn.
    Would you think he would make a good president, or is the spell
    now somewhat broken? And that is why tonight, I'm asking America to
    Make Donald Drumpf Again. Hashtag #MAKEDONALDDRUMPFAGAIN. . .

    The BBC's Denys Gueroult's conversation with J. R. R. Tolkien
    Jan. 20, 1965
    T: In the first test it's... it has to sound a nice name
    to me wi... even if I don't know what it means. But then you, of course,
    come across this unfortunate fact that if it... then it doesn't always happen
    that if you, uh, then, uh, work with those same elements with the same meaning
    into the... into a name then it doesn't always come out as a nice name, in spite
    of that. So then you have to... have to... have to give him another name or do
    something about it. Yes, it's a... it's a minor technical craft, actually, yes...

    G: But it's an interesting technical craft...

    T: Is it?

    G: ...because you do it with equal success when you name **un**pleasant
    characters, like Orcs...


    G: ...because all your unpleasant characters...

    T: Yes.

    G: are instantly identifiable as unpleasant characters the minute one reads
    their names.

    T: Yes, I suppose they would. You wouldn't likely think much of
    a chap called Uglúk, would you? No.

  2. "The Uglúk Factor and the Wisdom of Repugnance" -- no doubt some smug Elven MA thesis.

  3. Folks Who Don't Think Exactly Like We Do.

    So I was browsing a post on this blog from a couple of years
    R.U. Sirius on Transhumanism

    . . .

    > I'm not aware of any popular discussions that imply that
    > folks on the Autistic Spectrum are "immoral".

    OK, I take that back. Though "immoral" wouldn't be
    the right word here -- just "extremely difficult" (for a
    neurotypical person to deal with) or even "unpleasant".

    . . .and I realized I hadn't looked at "" in a while.
    Not surprising -- it's the blog of an irascible, opinionated
    (but certainly not stupid!) conservative.

    So I put the top-level URL into the browser, and found the latest
    post on (surprise, surprise) the election mishegas.

    Oy! Oy!, I say (and I'm not even Jewish ;-> ).
    Who is temperamentally unfit to be President?
    July 28, 2016

    The Democratic line is that Trump is temperamentally unfit
    to be President, since he has responded to political attacks
    with personal insults. It's true that he's said some rash
    things that he would have been better off not saying.

    Commenting on Carly Fiorina's looks was un-Presidential;
    and saying that Megan Kelly was bleeding from "her wherever"
    was an unfortunate choice of words. Saying that John McCain
    was not a war hero was simply not true.

    But the central conceit of the Democrats that Trump, because
    he has a sharp tongue, is as likely to lob a nuclear bomb
    as an insult, is ludicrous. Does anyone really think that
    he can't tell the difference?

    Contrast Trump's behavior to Hillary's. According to several
    accounts, Hillary would actually claw at her husband's face,
    [ ]
    punch him, and throw things at him during her tantrums.
    When a Secret Service man said good morning to her,
    she replied, "Fuck off!" This was evidently typical of her behavior
    [ ]
    toward the law enforcement assigned to guard her.

    Which is more indicative of a personality temperamentally unsuited
    to the Presidency -- hurling insults, or hurling ashtrays?

    Hey, I'd love to be in a position to tell a Secret Service
    agent to "fuck off". ;->

  4. So this guy (John Craig, )
    writes a lot about psychology, which is presumably why
    I stumbled over his blog in the first place.

    In fact, **sociopathy** is a topic he often writes about;
    Sociopaths, like the rest of us, come in a full range of IQ's.
    The dumber ones tend to engage in carjackings and bank robberies.
    The smarter ones gravitate more towards Wall Street and politics. . .

    But no matter how smart a sociopath is, he will. . .
    have certain intellectual weaknesses that stem primarily from
    his narcissism. Sociopaths. . . think themselves better
    at everything than they are, and this is often their downfall.

    Sociopaths often think they're fooling people when they're not.
    When a normal person is onto a sociopath, and realizes he's
    being lied to, he may just be too polite to say so. . .
    The sociopath will take this as proof he's getting
    away with whatever lie he's promoting at the moment. Or, because
    he's successfully fooled people in the past, he thinks he will
    continue to get away with it in the future -- since, after all,
    he's so much smarter than everyone else. . .

    Sometimes the lie is harmless, like insisting he hasn't had
    any plastic surgery when he obviously has. Other times, it's
    more sinister.

    Similarly, sociopaths expect people to believe them when they
    claim to be turning over a new leaf, no matter how many times
    they've made similarly false statements in the past. And
    sociopaths always seem to think that they're fooling others
    with their displays of false emotionality. A sociopath always
    thinks he is disproving Abraham Lincoln's dictum.

    Sociopaths, despite being masters of manipulation, are, ironically,
    quite easy to manipulate themselves. Because their egos are so
    out of control, they tend to believe whatever compliments they get.
    This makes them extremely susceptible to flattery. . .

    A sociopath is far more likely to surrender to his impulses. . .
    The seven deadly sins are in fact far more deadly when it
    comes to a sociopath. He'll let wrath
    get the better of him, and pull that trigger, or set that house
    on fire. He'll let lust get the better of him, and rape that girl.
    He'll let greed overcome him, and embezzle those funds. He'll
    even let curiosity get the better of him, and see how fast
    that car will go. And he's far more likely to indulge in drugs
    and drink, whatever the long term consequences. . .

    Sociopaths tend to see themselves as victims, even when they are
    victimizers. So they never have a clear view of any complicated
    situation in which they have a vested interest. In their minds,
    everything that goes wrong is always someone else's fault. . .
    [I]f you can never admit you're wrong, you can't learn.

    Sociopaths don't have the kind of patience it takes to calmly
    mull things over, so never really figure things out on their
    own and make great intuitive leaps -- the essence of true creativity.
    This, of course, does not stop them from taking credit for
    others' ideas, as Steve Jobs did.

    (They are good at spur of the moment improvising, coming up with
    glib lies, and delivering them in a way so as to seem credible. . .)

    [A]ll these egotistical quirks effectively render
    every sociopath stupid, no matter his IQ.

    [Being] aware of this. . . will help you to deal with them more
    effectively. It should also help you avoid being sucked into a
    sociopath's self-destructive vortex.

    Sounds good. And yet:
    etc. I.e., **Hillary** is the "sociopath", Trump is just
    a relatively harmless narcissistic blowhard.


  5. MRA politics:
    Paul Elam and Warren Farrell Discuss ICMI and the Presidential Election
    Paul Elam
    Jun 2, 2016


    Paul Elam: . . .[I]n a rare moment for what AV[oice]F[or]M[en} does,
    we're gonna discuss presidential politics. Recently, Warren and I. . .
    were interviewed by _Mother Jones_ magazine. . .
    They tried to make it look like there's a lot of circumstances
    where I would lean toward Hillary, and there's actually not. . .
    It came out in the interview that Warren had endorsed
    Hillary Clinton as a presidential nominee.
    First let me ask, since we're talking about _Mother Jones_ -- was
    that true?

    Warren Farrell: Yes, that's the first thing that _Mother Jones_
    has gotten true in quite a while. . .

    Paul Elam: Why would you choose
    to endorse a candidate who so clearly stands as an impediment to
    many of the issues faced by men and boys in this culture?

    Warren Farrell: Everything you said I agree with -- she is
    absolutely terrible on gender issues. . . from our perspective.
    I would not support her if I had a reasonable choice. . .
    Trump is, in my opinion, the most dangerous person being a viable
    presidential candidate in the 70 years that I've been alive.
    I am really fearful that when a bully talks to -- attacks another
    bully type of nation like North Korea, as nuclear weapons become
    viable, that we could really be talking about a disaster that
    would be much bigger than a lack of compassion for men. . .

    Paul Elam: When I look at Trump I see
    a guy that's "ballsy", for lack of a better word, he's abrupt,
    he's rude at times, he's certainly not politically correct,
    but I also see an incredibly successful guy with. . . children that
    are the product of a home with a father who are successful and
    balanced and articulate and intelligent on their own. . .
    I'm wondering. . . if maybe Donald deserves more of a fair shake
    than being condensed into "everything that's wrong with men".

    Warren Farrell: . . .Trump articulated a number of things. . .
    accurately about men that had not been articulated by anyone
    else. . . Men have been dying from the political correctness that
    stifles them from saying the things that are their reality
    in the world. . . So the lack of fear that Trump has I applaud.
    It's the putting-down of people that disagree with him -- he
    represents the very worst in listening skills, and the very
    worst in braggadocio. I believe he will also be seen eventually
    to be. . . a scam artist. The Trump University and things like
    that are the essence of what somebody who's a scam artist
    does. They promise more than they can deliver. And when people
    are given hope at a level that he gives it, and then they
    don't deliver, and they have a cynicism about whether or not
    they **need** to deliver on it, and then cover it up, that's when
    people feel really hurt and let down.

    Paul Elam: Surely you're not suggesting that Donald Trump will
    be the first politician that didn't deliver on his promises!
    Ha, ha!

    Warren Farrell: The difference, Paul, is that Donald does it
    better than anybody. . . Like Mussolini, like Hitler, like
    people who are the demagogues of our time, the difference is
    not what they promise, it's the power that they have in their
    personality -- to make Germany great again, and then make America great
    again. . . [I]t's always
    the most vulnerable who have the greatest need to believe --
    people pick on the elderly, people pick on people who are
    isolated, and they say "if you send in this $20, God will give
    you 20 times more blessings" and so on. It's the charismatic
    leader who is dangerous, and I think Trump is one of the most
    charismatic people of our time. . . He's not just a man, he's
    a phenomenon.

    Paul Elam: Yes, he is. I don't know if I can really agree with
    the Mussolini-Hitler comparison. Godwin's Law is something that
    is a delicate thing to break. . .

