Sunday, June 12, 2016

Gun Violence Destroys Freedom


  1. So there's this psycho- mystico- New Ageish "life coach"
    on YouTube -- one of many, but this one happens to be
    young, male, and **extremely** easy on the eyes. ;->

    And gay, too, for what it's worth, though even if
    I were 35 years younger and in his league looks-wise,
    the gulf between our Weltanschauungen would be

    To wit:
    How To Practice Self-Love & Be Good To Yourself
    Jordan Bach


    Access that place of peace, and then say "I surrender
    what's going on in my life to a power that's greater
    than myself, knowing that the universe has a dream for
    my life that is greater than any dream I could imagine
    for myself." I mean, even just saying that right now,
    to me, makes me want to well up. Because, to recognize
    that you really are never in control can be frightening
    for some people, but ultimately when you realize that
    the universe is a friendly universe that is guiding us
    and supporting us -- that changes everything. We can
    breathe, we can create some space for grace in our lives.
    Albert Einstein said "The most important decision you'll
    ever make in your life is whether you believe the universe
    is a benevolent universe or a hostile universe." And
    because I have chosen to believe that this is a friendly
    universe, it just so happens that it really appears to
    me like it is. When I surrender my life to a power that's
    greater than myself I feel guided, and indeed I am shown
    the right things at the right time.

    Where would I even start with this?

    Poor Einstein -- so much crap gets attributed to him that he is
    no longer around to disabuse. Surely, the good Herr Professor Doktor
    would have rejected **both** these anthropomorphized
    alternatives and pointed out that the universe as a whole is
    **indifferent** -- or, to purge the last traces of
    intentionality, simply unconscious of human beings, either
    individually or in the aggregate.

    But if you do want to posit some kind of "cosmic consciousness"
    (a la Olaf Stapledon, let's say), isn't it much more likely that it'd have
    about as much regard for a human being as a human would have
    for a bacterium inhabiting his own gut? (Spare a thought for
    the millions you've just evicted from their homes the next time you
    press the flush handle on the toilet. ;-> )

    I'm afraid my passport to La La Land was long ago denied.
    But I just can't bring myself to believe I'm the worse for it.

    I think my response to this sort of rhetoric in real life would
    simply be to shrug and say with a smile "I guess I just
    don't talk that way." ;->

    Mr. Bach cries very prettily for the camera, though:
    There Are No Words
    Jordan Bach
    Published on Jun 26, 2015
    I'm overwhelmed with joy about today's Supreme Court decision.
    I'm also charged with conviction about helping those who aren't
    experiencing the validation we are experiencing today.

    I think I'm in love with his eyebrows. ;->

  2. > So there's this psycho- mystico- New Ageish "life coach"
    > on YouTube -- one of many. . .

    This is an interesting video:

    Cult Wars: Teal Swan VS Stefan Molyneux
    Feminism LOL [Diana Davison]
    Published on Sep 28, 2015
    Teal and Stefan have both been accused of running cults
    and not just by outside observers but by people who have
    defected from their “inner circles”.

  3. I blame it **all** on lizard aliens. See ya later alligator!
    I Met My Hero — And Here’s What I Said

    Who are the greatest living inspirations of your life whom
    you’ve admired deeply from afar?

    What would you say to them if you were given the chance to
    meet them in person?

    I had the opportunity to meet one of my three heroes --
    and the words didn’t come easily.

    I wish I’d thought more carefully about what I would say,
    I just never thought I’d actually meet them.

    Think about what you might say to your living heroes,
    because you never know what or who the Universe is
    sending your way.

    With love,



    Sabrina 2 months ago Reply

    Your videos leave me crying… so thank you. You are
    definitely on that list of mine now. And Teal Swan.
    And Wayne Dyer always was. So a new place to be filled.

    Cameron Clark
    Aug 20, 2015

    Cameron Clark talks about her experience living with cult leader
    Teal Swan in this interview with Helena Phoenix who was filling
    in for host Angela Black on her show,
    At This Moment At Revolution Radio.


    Helena Phoenix: Also, if you can share the experience you had
    when you were all sitting around the dinner table, and she [Teal Swan]
    had one guy convinced he was an ex-reptilian, basically because
    he felt so guilty about it. You tell the story. I thought this
    was amazing.

    Cameron Clark: Well, to preface, she claims that she's in touch
    with extraterrestrial beings, and she's an actual. . .
    she can see her higher self, and she can communicate with her higher
    self and talk to Jesus and Buddha in the ether, so of course
    she's telling people that she's part of some extraterrestrial
    council like Greenpeace, and she came down here with a mission to
    raise human awareness. This is part of the narcissism -- she
    needs to convince herself that she's associating with very
    important people. So she tries to convince everybody in her inner
    circle not only does it -- it serves two purposes, that she can
    manipulate them to get them to work for her and buy into her
    vision, but then also it makes her feel special that she's associating
    with high-prestigious aliens, basically. So she convinced everybody
    in the group that their higher self was some sort of an extraterrestrial,
    and her boyfriend at that time was -- she told him -- was a reptilian.
    She described him to -- she described what he looked like, and said
    that he had seven or -- I don't remember how tall she said he
    was -- maybe she said he was twelve feet tall, and he had a big
    head, like a bone headdress thing around him, and he was considered
    sort of like a high-ranking reptilian, but he was a rogue, and
    he was here to show the reptilians that humans weren't all bad.
    So basically she convinced him that that's why he came here,
    to go on his own rogue mission and bring information back to the
    reptilian hive to show that humans weren't all bad.
    In the meantime she convinced him that he had a bunch of grey
    aliens that were working for him on this rogue mission, and that the
    greys were harvesting information from 6,000 abductees, and
    all of these abductees of Fallon's [the boyfriend] were going to
    be coming through at some point. . .

    I have to admit Teal Swan has it all over Laura Knight-Jadczyk
    in the looks department.
