Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Elizabeth Warren on Trump

The reason none of the "Establishment" Republican attacks landed on Trump is because Trump's bigotry and hostility to public service and investment is shared by nearly the entire membership of the Republican Party. Democrats calling out Trump will fare far better than Republicans did who disagreed with his presentation but not his actual positions or who are too afraid of their own voters to admit to their disagreements. The REAL real America is diversifying, secularizing, and planetizing -- the Obama coalition already won twice and grows by the day. Not only will the gross, vacuous, fraudulent, embarrassment Trump fail to win the Presidency, but the Republican Party will not long survive in its present form in the aftermath of the way he fails.


  1. "the Republican Party will not long survive in its present form in the aftermath of the way he fails"

    From your lips to the Goddess' ear.

    (And no, I didn't become a fanboy. That comment the other day was just to hear your take on the common points leveled against her by the Internet Hills Hatemachine. After the shitshow the Bernie Bros performed it's clear enough "I'm only here for the white guys" Sanders is the wrong choice.)
