Friday, March 18, 2016

Grandmothers In Democratic Politics Kick Ass

My future President, my Leader, and my own Representative. Every one has made and is making history. Every one has made and is making progress.


  1. Anonymous7:17 AM

    Dream on. Hillary will be indicted.

  2. What if our brave bright "Anonymous" is right? I'm so very frightened now. Somebody, please, hold me. Get ready for Madam President, dumbass.

  3. Anonymous7:26 AM

    Shame that you would resort to offensive language to another Demo. You are so blindsided that Hillary is so pure that you give her a pass on anything. If Hillary isn't indicted, the Rule of Law and our Republic is dead as it was in ancient Rome. Funny how you define Democracy in your blog.

  4. Offensive language? Do you hear yourself? I am far from thinking Clinton "pure," I leave that sort of idiocy to the dumb dupes of Sanders' fandom. If you really are a Democrat, heaven help us all, I would recommend ceasing to amplify bogus right wing talking points about faux e-mail scandals. God, anonymous cowards sniping from the sidelines are boring. I define democracy on this blog, and repeatedly, over many years, as the idea that people should have a say in the public decisions that affect them. That isn't funny.

  5. I feel I must make this position as clearly as I can so I am not misunderstood but Dale, "dude", you are using very ethical language to judge how much "superior" CLinton is to Bernie despite your commitment that you are supporting her because of pragmatics and not because she will improve the situation. I understand that a lot of it comes from obnoxious berniesupporters but still you have not really made any better points since a month ago (roughly) when i commented that it was really weird and wrong to conflate Trumpsupporters with Sanderssupporters. So I feel that it is really easy for people who see what you say on twitter or this blog and not having read anything else to assume that you are a pretty uncritical supporter of Clinton. I mean there are more and more non white voters for Sanders if you want to get into the whole Clinton represents the minorities thing. But none of this matters like I have said before and I will say again Hillary will win she has the corporate support unless Sanderssupporters start to actually organize (non-hierarchial) instead of just voting than she will win.

  6. I can't help the fact that people who have not read my qualified case for Clinton attribute unqualified advocacy to me. Sanders campaign has explicitly admitted its appeal is to "whiter" states and the results still overwhelmingly bear that out, in fact they have assured both Clinton's primary and eventual Presidential victories. Sanders continues to claim voting in a party primary is a Revolution when it is not, he still claims he can accomplish extraordinarily more progressive outcomes than Obama did which he cannot, he continues to refuse to run as a Democrat in the Senate or support down-ticket Democratic congressional races and attacks the party as "Establishment" all the while trying to assume a position of leadership over it, and he is actively misleading his mostly neophyte supporters about the delegate math he faces and the unlikelihood that party superdelegates who resent all of this would ever switch to supporting him short of a Clinton catastrophe. It is true that my pragmatic case for Clinton has assumed a more ethical dimension over time. Sanders has disappointed me enormously. I was pleased that the candidates demonstrated how far left mainstream Democratic party politics had moved in the aftermath of Occupy and BlackLivesMatter and expected Sanders to use his national campaign to educate a broader electorate about left policy questions. He has instead demonized his rival and made promises he cannot keep and provided few to no details about anything. I consider his campaign an actively misedcuational one and a prompt for generational demoralization that will be costly to the radical ambitions of the left opened up by the ruins of neoliberalism. I do not conflate Sanders and Trump, but emphasize that any political appeal to white working class voters in America in particular will structurally conduce to racist politics in general. That is a hard truth you may want to deny, but it is true nonetheless. The Sanders campaign is demonstrating this whether you like it or not -- and the Trump campaign, well, surreally more so. I agree that it is easy for people who don't want to pay attention to the arguments I am making to misconstrue them. That is always true, and there is nothing I can do about it. Since Sanders is losing, will lose, and deserves to lose, it doesn't bother me much.

  7. Well like I said I just felt that I wanted to comment that you have been using more and more ethical language which like I said can misconstrue your core believes. Of course this is nothing you can help i simply felt like I wanted to comment on it since in the past you have been very clear that voting in representative elections is just pragmatics and that ethics should play no part of it. My point about non white voters was simply a comment that i felt was needed because of many people overstating Sanders lack of it over Clinton, not that is not true to what your are saying, simply that I feel there are many simplistic comments about it. On the left wing turn of the Mainstream democratic party well, here I especially feel that I have to step back because I am not an american citizen nor any where near the democratic party but I feel that it is overstated like fuck and that Clinton has not changed any position to a more radical side. If the Sanders campaign like you said (and I believe you to be accurate in this assesment) have been miseducating people then Clintons has done no educating at all, and when you americans get your frst female president(before Sweden has had their first female prime minister) then nothing will really change from the Clinton presidency but like all ways it will be done inspite of it. Because lets face it Trump will break the Republican party and Clinton will win, lets just make peace with it.

  8. People are still sensitive because even after generations of making the point, asserting that one is abetting structural racism is still misconstrued as an accusation that one is exhibiting racist animus. It leads Americans to waste a huge amount of time tending to white fragility whenever one attempts to address the actually real impacts of white supremacy on actually real people of color.

  9. Paradoxically, by the way, I think there is an ethical imperative to act in a way that accords with the recognition that progressive partisan politics is a pragmatic process rather than ethical/aesthetic universalism. We are ethically bound to act in ways that reflect truth we believe for good reasons -- politically, I am bound ethically to refuse moralism for pragmatic progress. When it is a difference that makes a difference the lesser of two evils is good enough that it would be the worse evil to abjure it.
