Saturday, January 02, 2016


I wonder if Ray Kurzweil will ever publish the only prediction his conduct reveals he truly believes: There's a sucker born every minute.


  1. Yeah! I mean the dude is seriously into supplements that are proven pseudo science. It is rare for someone drinking one form of kool aid not drinking more.

  2. > There's a sucker born every minute.

    Of course, the poor guy is likely enough suckering **himself**.

    I just saw this go by in the neighborhood of an
    item in your twitter-scroll:
    Silicon Valley is confusing pseudo-science with innovation

    This year we saw what happens when you mix venture capital
    with dubious health startups

    By Ben Popper and Elizabeth Lopatto
    December 29, 2015 10:30 am

    . . .

    On the surface everything about Theranos looked good, right?
    It wasn’t until after The Wall Street Journal dug in that all
    the irregularities in partnerships, relationships with regulators,
    and general fuckery began to surface. . .

    Theranos was in the NY Times a few weeks ago:

    Loc. cit.
    The medical field doesn’t move as fast as the software industry
    because moving fast and breaking things is fine for things but
    not for people. . .

    The thing is, I’m not sure Silicon Valley sees the difference. . .
    I know some pretty smart health care investors. . . Where’s all
    the dumb money coming from? . . .

    I prefer cluelessness to the other option I see. Which is that
    a bunch of really cynical people saw 23andMe and were like,
    right, we’ll just sell 'til they make us stop and **then**
    we’ll get serious about the real standards. Did I get too dark?

    Silicon Valley has a libertarian streak exemplified in
    companies like Uber and Airbnb. Do whatever the customer
    likes best, worry about the regulations later. . .

    [T]he fact that companies like Alphabet [rejiggered Google]
    think life extension is a desirable possibility does not
    fill me with confidence about their other projects. We’re
    living a lot longer than we used to, but the last years are
    also way sicker than they used to be. . . The singularity is
    so laughable I don’t even know where to start. It’s like
    they’re funding fantasy out there.

    In terms of life extension, here are the real opportunities:
    closing the gap between black and white patients, lowering
    the infant mortality rate, and making sure the very poorest
    among us have access to adequate care. You can make sure that
    many people live longer, right now! But none of this is quite
    as sexy as living forever, even though it’s got a greater payoff
    for the nation as a whole. So instead of investing in these areas,
    you’ve got a bunch of old white men who are afraid to die
    trying to figure out cryonics. They’re being funded by more rich
    old white men, who don’t face many of these care gaps and
    perhaps do not even know they exist — or don’t care, because
    how do you monetize serving the poor? . . .

    [I]n the wake of Theranos, I bet there will be less snake oil
    and pseudo-science that somehow gets funded. Meanwhile,
    Larry and Sergei will keep throwing their money at the
    search for eternal life, but eh, who are we to complain?. . .

  3. Speaking of "dubious health startups", you know
    MetaMed went quietly belly-up early last year (2015).

    I found out about that from chitchat on Tumblr last month:
    David Gerard
    Dec 15th, 2015


    > The Metamed failure is a little sad. It reminds me of an important couplet:
    > 1. A sufficiently smart person can do anything!
    > 2. …with sufficient time and effort, and not as well as an experienced person.
    > While it is important to remember the first part, you may go astray if
    > you forget the second part.

    a little sad, a lot of lulz though. there is nothing about this that was not
    predictable and (iirc, would need to check LW) predicted.

    the sheer multilayered incompetence (yes, they hired a struck off doctor. yes,
    they deleted awkward questions on a blog ask-me-anything. yes, they spent
    their last days knowingly stiffing people) was pretty good also. it needs
    a suitable cataloguing in sneer culture. (i have no idea when i will be
    bothered, if anyone else wants to step up.)

    frankly, when actually detrimental terrible lesswrong ideas were being put
    into practice in medicine, a real-life area that could have hurt people
    (and is in no way short of existing cranks and quacks targeting the worried
    well), a rapid and hilarious failure was probably the best outcome.

    In Metamed's defense, from a founder, a post-mortem by Zvi Mowshowitz:
    (via Scott Alexander [Scott Siskind] )

    Good grief, I didn't realize "Zinnia Jones" had been involved
    in MetaMed!
    (via )

    Don't leave just yet:

    > argumate:
    > > wait, now Michael Vassar is running a company called BayesCraft
    > Is it an R[eal]T[time]S[strategy game]? Are the resource-gatherers MIRI employees?


    note that bio doesn’t mention metamed.

    i’m sure this will all be fine, fine

    Like a phoenix from the ashes.

  4. From your twitter scroll:
    Robert McNees
    2:29 PM - 2 Jan 2016

    No. Preventing hypothetical AI disasters is not more important
    than addressing poverty.
    I spent a weekend at Google talking with nerds about charity.
    I came away ... worried.

    Updated by Dylan Matthews
    August 10, 2015

    "There's one thing that I have in common with every person
    in this room. We're all trying really hard to figure out how
    to save the world." . . .

    [Cat] Lavigne was addressing attendees of the Effective Altruism Global
    conference, which she helped organize at Google's Quad Campus
    in Mountain View the weekend of July 31 to August 2. . .

    Effective altruism (or EA, as proponents refer to it) is more
    than a belief, though. It's a movement, and like any movement, it
    has begun to develop a culture, and a set of powerful stakeholders,
    and a certain range of worrying pathologies. At the moment,
    EA is very white, very male, and dominated by tech industry
    workers. And it is increasingly obsessed with ideas and data
    that reflect the class position and interests of the movement's
    members rather than a desire to help actual people. . .

    I identify as an effective altruist. . . I even think AI risk
    is a real challenge worth addressing. But speaking as a white
    male nerd on the autism spectrum, effective altruism can't just
    be for white male nerds on the autism spectrum. . .

    EA Global was dominated by talk of existential risks, or X-risks. The idea
    is that human extinction is far, far worse than anything that could
    happen to real, living humans today.

    To hear effective altruists explain it, it comes down to simple math.
    About 108 billion people have lived to date, but if humanity lasts
    another 50 million years, and current trends hold, the total number
    of humans who will ever live is more like 3 quadrillion. Humans
    living during or before 2015 would thus make up only 0.0036 percent
    of all humans ever.

    The numbers get even bigger when you consider — as X-risk advocates
    are wont to do — the possibility of interstellar travel. Nick Bostrom —
    the Oxford philosopher who popularized the concept of existential
    risk — estimates that about 10^54 human life-years (or 10^52 lives
    of 100 years each) could be in our future if we both master travel
    between solar systems and figure out how to emulate human brains
    in computers.

    Even if we give this 10^54 estimate "a mere 1% chance of being correct,"
    Bostrom writes, "we find that the expected value of reducing
    existential risk by a mere one billionth of one billionth of one
    percentage point is worth a hundred billion times as much as a
    billion human lives." . . .

    Loc. cit.
    Robert McNees

    This hijacking of effective altruism is a silly, privileged
    comp-sci fantasy. Also, their math makes no sense.



    And they base their premise on practical interstellar travel?
    Why not include warp drives and humans living 1000 years?



    FWIW, effectively zero of my AI research colleagues share the
    existential threat fear. It seems to mostly come from outside.
    Robin Z.

    "But those probability values are literally just made up."
    YES THEY ARE. I'm so embarrassed to work in AI these days

    I miss seeing Robin Z. in the Moot!

    Was it the moon?
    No, no. The Bossa Nova!
    The stars above?
    No, no. The Bossa Nova!
    Was it the tune?
    Yeah, yeah. The Bossa Nova!
    The dance of love.


  5. > . . . post-mortem of Metamed by founder Zvi Mowshowitz. . .

    I.e., this guy (via )

    . . .

    “The AI is smarter than we are, so it would kill everyone.
    Or it wants all our resources, so of course it’s going to kill everyone,”
    Zvi Mowshowitz explained as the assembled rose from the couch to whoop it up to
    show tunes and eighties pop hits. Mr. Mowshowitz, who lives a couple
    floors up at The Caroline with his girlfriend (the neuroscientist),. . .
    was wearing electric blue gym shorts and a homemade T-shirt commemorating his reign
    as a professional champion of the Magic: The Gathering fantasy card game.
    Mr. Mowshowitz is currently working with Ms. Vance and Jaan Tallinn,
    the renowned Estonian programmer behind Skype and Kazaa, on a personalized
    medicine startup. . .

    “I’ve made my peace with the fact that, you know, **this** is not going to last,”
    Mr. Mowshowitz said, looking out the window at weekend traffic on
    Sixth Avenue as though it would all disappear. “We have a very dysfunctional
    civilization right now. There are better things that could be done.” . . .

    The people behind SIAI. . . are actively engaged in reframing Armageddon.
    On the webpage “Why Work Toward the Singularity,” SingInst offers a
    gloriously transcendent vision of AI as mankind’s salvation. . .
    Meanwhile, cohorts focused on anti-aging, nanotechnology,
    longevity and transhumanism are at work on genetic therapies and body-hacks
    that will extend our lifespans beyond those of the vampire population of
    True Blood.

    Mr. Mowshowitz calls it escape velocity. “That’s where medicine is
    advancing so fast that I can’t age fast enough to die,” he explained.
    “I can’t live to 1,000 now, but by the time I’m 150, the technology
    will be that much better that I’ll live to 300. And by the time I’m 300,
    I’ll live to 600 and so on,” he said, a bit breathlessly. “So I can
    just . . . escape, right? And now I can watch the stars burn out in the
    Milky Way and do whatever I want to do.” . . .

    [Alyssa] Vance, who glided around the room with the head-bob and
    muffled laugh of a very polite alien, interrupted Mr. Mowshowitz to
    share the business card of a “cryo life insurance guy.” Not necessary;
    he was already covered. . .

    While [Ray] Kurzweil has generally been viewed as the Singularity’s
    chief standard-bearer, on the geekier fringe, that distinction belongs
    to [Eliezer] Yudkowsky. . .

    Mr. Yudkowsky instituted a ban from the Less Wrong forums of a particularly
    insidious discussion thread, ominously nicknamed “the Basilisk,”
    [A] prominent Less Wrong contributor [Roko Mijic] mused
    about whether a friendly AI—one hell-bent on saving
    the world—would punish even true believers who had failed to do everything
    they could to bring about its existence, including donating their
    disposable income to SIAI. . .

    The Observer tried to ask the Less Wrong members at Ms. Vance’s party
    about it, but Mr. Mowshowitz quickly intervened. “You’ve said enough,”
    he said, squirming. “Stop. Stop.”

    So how come Peter Thiel didn't buy (or rent) Metamed a Watson? ;->

  6. Foom and doom.
    I Still Don’t Get Foom
    By Robin Hanson
    July 24, 2014

    . . .


    I came to realize that there's nothing really to get.
    It's the second coming, the 'skynet awakening',
    a part of our cultural heritage, and it is something strongly
    preferred by narcissistic minds engaged in
    "fantasies of unlimited power, success, intelligence".
    But that's all there [is] to it.


    Stephen Diamond

    My diagnosis is that its an effort of some newly atheistic folks
    to cope with their fear of death that, because of their previous
    religiosity, they've never mastered. Same with cryonics.

  7. So last year saw a lot of hoopla surrounding Nick Bostrom's

    But the book I'm really waiting for will be written by
    a **disaffected** Singularitarian or Lesswrongian -- somebody
    like Dmytry Lavrov, Alexander Kruel, David Gerard,
    Chris Hallquist -- heck, maybe even Dale Carrico. ;->

    I'm hoping it will be a jewel of what the LWians and
    SlateStarCodexians call "sneer culture".

    Hey, you know who would be the perfect author for such
    a book? Roko Mijic! His name has already been immortalized
    on the Web -- a book repudiatiating his youthful folly would
    be guaranteed an instant audience! Roko -- your destiny
    is calling! Here's the outline:
    This is Why I Joined the Church of Scientology as a Teenager
    January 4, 2016
    by Hemant Mehta

    Chris Shelton spent 27 years in the Church of Scientology
    before finally coming to his senses and leaving. It’s been
    three years now since he left and he’s doing everything he
    can to make sure no one else makes the same mistake.

    His new book detailing his experience within the organization
    is called _Scientology: A to Xenu: An Insider’s Guide to What
    Scientology is All About_ . . .

    Was I a stupid person? No, I wasn’t. I was quite smart
    actually and got good grades and even at 15 years old,
    I knew a lot of things. I wasn’t stupid but I was naïve
    and reckless. I didn’t know con men really existed, people
    can lie without knowing they are lying and just because
    someone says they are your friend, doesn’t make it so.
    If I have any “weakness” in my life, it’s my trust and
    optimism. Even after everything I’ve been through, I still
    believe people are basically good and are worthy of my trust
    before they prove me wrong. Of course, that is now tempered
    by all my experience so I’m no fool anymore but back then,
    yeah. I was a fool. I was also desperate to be thought well
    of and I would do anything, repeat anything, to be popular.

  8. >
    > Chris Shelton spent 27 years in the Church of Scientology. . .

    He has an interesting YouTube channel:

    Also on YouTube:
    ( via ):

    Hana Eltringham Whitfield was one of the stars of Alex Gibney’s documentary
    about Scientology, Going Clear. Her memories as the captain of
    L. Ron Hubbard’s flagship as he ran Scientology from sea in late 1960s
    and early 1970s was one of the highlights of the film. Now, we have
    a leak from a previous documentary, UK Channel 4’s excellent 1997
    Secret Lives — L. Ron Hubbard, which featured Hana prominently.

    Here, for the first time, is a much more complete version of her
    interview, just one of many outtakes from the 1997 documentary that
    a source has been making available for us.
    Hana Eltringham Whitfield - L Ron Hubbard's
    Ship Captain - Secret Lives - Scientology - Dianetics
    Published on Apr 23, 2015

    Fascinating stuff.

    The Harry Potter Fan Fiction Author Who Wants to Make
    Everyone a Little More Rational
    By David Whelan
    March 2, 2015

    . . .

    On March 14, the most popular Harry Potter book you've never
    head of, Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality, will
    come to its conclusion. It has been running online as a
    fan fiction for the past five years. It is 600,000 words
    long and contains 112 chapters. By the end, we'll be looking
    at a grand total of 700,000 words and 125 chapters. This
    will put it somewhere between Gravity's Rainbow and Route 66
    in terms of length.

    It has over 7,000 Reddit fans, 26,000 reviews, and a fan-made

    There will be worldwide wrap parties to celebrate its culmination. . .

    This new Potter. . . [is] basically the Jesus Christ of Rational Thought.
    He owns this book. He hits Voldemort out of the fucking park with a
    bunt while scratching his ass with his foot. And -- here's the kicker—if
    you start copying him -- that is, making rational decisions that overcome
    cognitive biases -- you, too, can make life your bitch.

    Welcome to the world of rational thinking, the art of being Less Wrong. . .

    Taking a read of his website, it becomes quite clear that Yudkowsky
    is not your average fan fiction author. He is far more likely to talk
    about the Twelve Virtues of Rationality than how sad he was when
    Dumbledore died. His updates for his fan fiction include links to
    a place called the Center for Applied Rationality, where he is a
    Curriculum Consultant. . .

    There's a curious correlation between the work at CFAR and that
    which occurs at Yudkowsky's day job at the Machine Intelligence
    Research Institute, whose main goal seems to be to ensure that
    Skynet never happens. The former helps make humans think like
    machines. The latter makes sure super smart computers think
    like us. . .

    The website for CFAR reveals a lot about the aims of the association—helping
    people overcome flawed thinking to self-improve. . .

    Make no mistake, this is a self-help system, just as something like
    Dianetics originally was. . .

    If this all sounds slightly cultish to you— a sacred text, a big
    bold call out for test subjects, the promise of a happier life,
    the call for donations on top of fees—that's because there are
    similarities here to the growth of other belief structures.
    Only in Silicon Valley would we get a group that treats the
    human mind like an app. . .

    When, in the 1930s [ ],
    science fiction author L. Ron Hubbard began work on _Dianetics: The Modern
    Science of Mental Health_, no one could have anticipated his brand of self-help
    later becoming the center of a multimillion-dollar religion. It's strange, but
    it doesn't seem a stretch to say there are echoes of that
    movement here. . .

  10. > The Harry Potter Fan Fiction Author Who Wants to Make
    > Everyone a Little More Rational. . .
    > When, in the 1930s, science fiction author L. Ron Hubbard began
    > work on _Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health_, no
    > one could have anticipated his brand of self-help later becoming
    > the center of a multimillion-dollar religion. It's strange,
    > but it doesn't seem a stretch to say there are echoes of that
    > movement here. . .

    > do you think cults like scientology exist because they serve
    > a function for a certain type of person?

    Yes. Scientology served Hubbard and later Miscavige. Mormonism served Smith,
    Young and each president since. Ramtha's School of Enlightenment serves
    JZ Knight. The Machine Intelligence Research Institute (Less Wrong) serves
    Eliezer Yudkowsky. Heaven's Gate served Marshall Applewhite.
    The People's Temple served Jim Jones.

    Each cult is created to serve the founder and then continues to serve the
    wishes of the leaders after them if the cult manages to survive the death
    of the founder. Most often this is power or money. Often both. For example
    Smith was a charged for running a scam using the very stones he later claimed
    allowed him to translate the golden plates. During his work "translating"
    the golden plates that he claimed existed he convinced a poor fellow to
    mortgage his farm for what would today be hundreds of thousands to fund
    his publication of the Book of Mormon. Another example would be David Miscavige
    who currently lives in luxury while his Sea Org slaves work absurd hours in
    horrible conditions with living conditions that I believe are nothing short
    of a violation of a person's basic human rights. These cults serve to bring
    the leaders wealth at the expense of their followers, power due to absolute
    devotion from their adherents, and they serve to glorify the individual. Smith
    claimed that no other man, other than Jesus, had ever or will ever do more
    for mankind's salvation than he himself had done, Hubbard claimed to be the
    only person to ever provide a chance for mankind to save itself from eternal
    imprisonment here on Earth.

    > do you think institutions like scientology offer a complex grand narrative
    > for the person who needs this type of order?

    I believe this of religion in general. And no more so for cults than for other
    religions. Rather, the individual cultist is often taught that THEY are something
    special and that the general order of society does not apply to them. They
    are often taught that the complex society is just a deviation from some simpler
    way of life available by following some new teachings.

  11. It seems that over at Pharyngula, P. Z. Myers had a thing
    or two to say the other day about "Effective Altruism" as equivalent to
    "donating to a cult that's going to save the world from killer robots".

    (via )

    From the above (David Gerard's Tumblr post):

    "while miri has yet to be laughed out, that is in fact the most important
    thing to say. which is why it was [dylan] matthews’ key point too
    [ ]. . .

    and that’s without even addressing your implicit assumption that
    giving miri money does any actual thing about any actual existential risk,
    rather than funding fanfic, blogging and an impossibly slow drip of
    minimum-publishable-unit papers they don’t even bother to get properly
    published. miri is a rabbit hole. the make a wish foundation is
    **literally more effective on any measurable level** than miri: they
    have clear, achievable aims and achieve them regularly."
