Sunday, January 31, 2016

Born Every Minute

Amazing how many headlines featuring the name Elon Musk would be clarified by switching the name to P.T. Barnum.


  1. Well, compared to most other "futurist" con-men and mountebanks, he's actually making real, physical things. That's more than most...

  2. Tech CEOs are both scam AND *skim* operators -- there is a whole lot of parochial profiteering and commoditization and shar(ecropp)ing economy shenanigans of collective and non-profit work (usually accompanied by crowing about celebrity sooper-genius entrepreneurial worship), a whole lot of appropriation of public investment and subsidization (usually accompanied by libertopian grousing about Big Bad Gu'ment) and then there is the scamming -- profitable attenion-grabbing drama about the promises and dangers of AI, or life-extension, or geo-engineering technofixes, or what have you. Musk does all of this. I don't count LEO amusement park rides as a Mars colonization deliverable, or hyperloop or luxury Tesla sportscars as renewable transportation deliverables personally. I think Musk writes a lot of checks his ass can't cash and then struts around basking in techbro circlejerks praising him as Ironman for realz. I think he's one of the worst personally -- right up there with Thiel.

  3. > I think Musk writes a lot of checks his ass can't cash. . .

    Is this one of them?

    In 2012, 33,561 people were killed in motor vehicle accidents.
    Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla Motors, announced in 2015 that
    Tesla cars would handle 90 percent of driving within five years.
    This plan included all Tesla vehicles being equipped with an
    autopilot system. Musk compared Tesla's autopilot to the autopilot
    in airplanes, where people still manually control the vehicle
    in risky situations. . .

    Autonomous vehicles will drive themselves without the need for
    a driver to touch the steering wheel. Car companies are
    developing autopilot systems to make vehicles safer, but autopilot
    should not be confused with autonomous vehicles. Google has
    been developing their autonomous car in the Nevada desert
    since the 2005 DARPA Grand Challenge. For now, the self-driving
    car is far from perfect.

    The programming in Google's Self-Driving Cars cannot always
    determine how to react, so the vehicle stops moving or relinquishes
    control to the driver. Before Google cars can drive, researchers
    must create a detailed map of their route. Researchers have to
    account for all road markings, including driveways, stoplights,
    and road signs. Complex situations, like four-way stop signs,
    force the autonomous vehicle to drive cautiously as it tries
    to determine what rules to follow. Google Self-Driving Cars
    may be available soon because they have safely driven more
    than 700,000 miles.

    2018 -- that's the same year warp-driven starships will
    come on-line, according to _Star Trek_ TOS canon:

    loc. cit.
    By 2018, Elon Musk predicts that the company will have created
    a car that can drive without a driver. In fact, the goal is to
    have a car that can be summoned to the driver and reach its
    destination entirely unaccompanied by a human.

    Google has Ray Kurzweil, but Tesla has. . . this guy, Jim:

    loc. cit.
    In late January of 2016, Tesla took steps in their hiring to
    ensure that the goal of a self-driving car could be met by the
    2018 expectation set by Musk. The company confirmed hiring processor
    design veteran Jim Keller to lead its Autopilot hardware engineering team.
    Jim Keller is responsible for some of AMD's key architectures,
    including the Athlon K7 and the upcoming Zen, and helped make
    Apple's A4 and A5 chips, which powered everything from the original
    iPad through to the Apple TV. . . “We have all the pieces, and
    it's just about refining those pieces, putting them in place, and
    making sure they work across a huge number of environments-and then
    we're done," said Musk. "It's a much easier problem than people
    think it is. But it's not like George Hotz, a one-guy-and-three-months
    problem. You know, it's more like, thousands of people for two years.”

    I wonder if he's read _The Mythical Man-Month_.

    Anyway, stay tuned.
