Friday, August 14, 2015

Welcome to the Greenhouse

You know, we really need to stop calling what are now a-few-times-a-year catastrophic storms "once in a generation" catastrophic storms.

1 comment:

  1. > You know, we really need to stop calling what are now a-few-times-a-year
    > catastrophic storms "once in a generation" catastrophic storms.

    So I was at an after-movie dinner with a group of self-proclaimed "skeptics"
    last weekend, and one of them said (to somebody else at the table,
    apropos "alleged" anthropogenic global climate change), "Catastrophe?
    What exactly would constitute this 'catastrophe'?". And I butted in
    on this conversation and said "If it's **your** house that gets blown
    away by the next hurricane, then it's a 'catastrophe'." And he said
    "But there's **no connection**!". And I said "I don't believe it."
    And that was the end of our exchange.

    Oh, and more good news: the Coca-Cola company is funding research
    that will show unequivocally that guzzling fizzy brown high-fructose
    corn syrup does **not** make people fat, if they just get off
    their fat asses and go to the gym. Ain't science (funded by
    corporate capitalism) grand?
