Thursday, June 04, 2015

Teaching, More Plato and Aristophanes

This afternoon at Berkeley I'll be talking Aristophanes' Wasps and then my favorite Platonic dialogue The Symposium. My cursed insomnia didn't plague me last night, so I'm more rested than usual and rather looking forward to teaching these queer pieces.


  1. Did you teach wasps 2008-09?

    I was talking about the enduring popularity of dick jokes the other day and this play came up.

  2. I think the first time I taught 103A was in 2011 or 2012 -- and I wouldn't have assigned the play in another course before that. Practically that whole play is a dick joke.

  3. Huh, I wonder who taught it? Must've been Felipe G. I don't think I would've had it assigned at City College...
