Monday, June 08, 2015

Situation Normal, FUBAR

Predatory finance is the worst looting, austerity is the worst vandalism and abuse, racist policing is the riot that goes on and on and on.


  1. From today's New York Times:
    The Thrill of Political Hating
    JUNE 8, 2015
    Arthur C. Brooks

    . . .

    Political hate generally appears in one of three basic forms.

    The first is what some psychologists call “hot hate,” based on anger.
    Imagine yourself yelling at the television, and you get the picture.
    Most Americans would be ashamed to say “I hate Republicans” or
    “I hate Democrats.” But our market preferences tell the true story.
    We reward professional political pundits who say or write that
    the other side is evil or stupid or both.

    For some haters, the hot variety is a little too crude. They prefer
    “cool hate,” based on contempt, and express disgust for another
    person through sarcasm, dismissal or mockery. . .

    The last variety is anonymous hate. . .

    Before you dismiss this as harmless chatter, consider a 2014
    article in the academic journal Personality and Individual Differences,
    titled “Trolls Just Want to Have Fun.” Three Canadian psychologists
    found that habitual Internet commenting is strongly correlated
    with hateful personality pathologies. The total amount of time
    spent posting comments online correlated positively with sadism,
    psychopathy and Machiavellianism. And this held especially true
    for those who relished “trolling,” the anonymous posting of
    negative and destructive comments. The 5 percent of participants
    who listed trolling as their favorite activity earned the highest
    scores on those unsavory psychological measures. . .

    Some dismiss it as simply inevitable. Others — myself included — see
    it as both damaging and regrettable, joining the Dalai Lama in the
    belief that all hate “is our true enemy,” with “no other function
    than simply destroying us, both in the immediate term and in the
    long term.” . . .

    If you agree with the Dalai Lama and Jefferson. . . [d]eclare your
    independence by not consuming, celebrating or sharing the overheated
    outrage and negative punditry — even if it comes from those with
    whom you agree. Avoid indulging in snarky, contemptuous dismissals
    of Americans on the other side. . .

    Arthur C. Brooks is the president of the American Enterprise Institute,
    author of the forthcoming “The Conservative Heart” and a contributing
    opinion writer.

    The Dalai Lama, huh? Now what does this remind me of? Maybe this:
    IEET’s “Buddhist Right Speech” Policy

    "White guy boutique Buddhism is so totally like spiritual you know?")


  2. So, "Machiavellianism" is a mental illness now?

  3. > So, "Machiavellianism" is a mental illness now?

    Only if somebody else is doing it. ;->
