Tuesday, June 02, 2015

Fake the Future!

Futurists sure do love to claim they are Making "The Future"... as they reassure and rationalize incumbent elites in the present.


  1. I recently sent a link to a bit of YouTube humor
    ("Welcome to Life: the singularity, ruined by lawyers"
    by Tom Scott
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IFe9wiDfb0E )
    to a former work acquaintance.

    He was a bit confused by it, and my response to his
    response was:

    Re: Do you wish to continue?

    > Don't know what to make of it -- feasible enough to
    > become reality. . .?

    It would seem unlikely. See, e.g.,:
    "Your mind will not be uploaded"
    by Dr. Richard Jones
    "Ghost in the Shell: Why Our Brains Will Never Live in the Matrix
    by Dr. Athena Andreadis

    The video I sent you the link to
    (Welcome to Life: the singularity, ruined by lawyers)
    is a clever bit of humor based on extrapolating the current
    business models of some of the big Internet companies
    to the kind of science-fictional scenario imagined
    by the folks who dream of the possibility of "immortality"
    via mind uploading (the message being something along the
    lines of "be careful what you wish for".)

    The video's creator, Tom Scott, is a comedian and a very smart

    But the idea of mind scanning and uploading as a practical,
    everyday technology is something that occurs in a lot of
    contemporary science fiction (in fact the theme began appearing in
    the 1950s, soon after the advent of the digital computer itself).

    But no, it's about as likely as a Star Trek transporter,
    or warp drive.

    In perusing those Wikipedia articles, I was rather dismayed by
    the extent to which they are almost pure boosterism. As the
    Talk page points out, "Mind uploading is part of WikiProject Transhumanism,
    which aims to organize, expand, clean up, and guide Transhumanism
    related articles on Wikipedia."

    The Transhumanists put a strong spin on Wikipedia.
    Are we surprised?

  2. I daresay it is only because I am such a longstanding of transhumanism/ singularitarianism/ techno-immortalism/ futurisms that I was weirdly treated as rating having and keeping a wikipedia entry myself.

  3. http://www.salon.com/2015/06/02/9_obscene_ways_the_rich_spend_their_money_partner/
    9 obscene ways the rich spend their money
    Trophy "wife bonuses" are the least of their offenses.
    At least one billionaire simply refuses to die
    Kali Holloway, AlterNet
    Tuesday, Jun 2, 2015

    . . .

    7. Trying to live forever. It’s a myth that Walt Disney was cryogenically
    frozen; the Cryonics Society of California claims he was very interested
    in the process, but his “family didn’t go for it.” Today, several
    super-rich types are investing heavily in cryonics, as well as other
    life-extending measures. Canadian electronics billionaire Robert Miller
    and American hotel and casino billionaire Don Laughlin have both poured
    tons of support money into Alcor, which bills itself as the
    “world leader in cryonics.” If everything works out for these two,
    at the point of death, their body temperatures will be lowered
    to somewhere below -120° C (that’s -248° F) in a process called
    “vitrification” until the cure for what ailed them is discovered
    and they can be revived, or something like that. (They’re also
    planning to have most of their assets frozen, because what’s
    the point of bothering to live if you’re poor?) Russian tech
    billionaire Dmitry Itskov launched the 2045 Initiative, which
    sounds about as bizarro as one might hope a billionaire’s plans
    for immortality would. Fortune describes the project as such:

    “A new corporate entity that. . . will allow investors to bankroll
    research into neuroscience and human consciousness with the
    ultimate goal of transferring human minds into robots, extending
    human life indefinitely. Early investors will be first in line for
    the technology when it matures, something Itskov believes will
    happen in the 2040s.”

    And billionaire David Murdock—who has the less ambitious goal of
    merely living to 125—founded the North Carolina Research Campus,
    a $500 million effort to figure out how plants can stave off disease
    and extend life.

    So this trailer was showing when I saw "Ex Machina" a couple
    of weeks ago:

    Self/less Official Trailer #1 (2015) - Ryan Reynolds,
    Ben Kingsley Sci-Fi Thriller HD

  4. > Fake the Future!

    Computer Scientists Are Astir After Baidu Team
    Is Barred From A.I. Competition
    JUNE 3, 2015

    . . .

    The episode has raised concern within the computer science community,
    in part because the field of artificial intelligence has historically
    been plagued by claims that run far ahead of actual science.

    Indeed, as early as 1958, when Frank Rosenblatt introduced the first
    so-called neural network system, a newspaper article about the
    advance suggested that it might lead to “thinking machines” that
    could read and write within a single year.

    In the 1960s, when John McCarthy, the scientist who coined the
    term “artificial intelligence,” proposed a new research laboratory
    to Pentagon officials, he claimed that building a working
    artificial intelligence system would take a decade. When that
    did not happen, the field went through periods of decline
    in the 1970s and 1980s, which have since been described as
    “A.I. winters.”

    Now rapid progress in a hot artificial intelligence field
    known as “deep learning” has touched off a computing arms
    race among powerful companies like Facebook, Google, IBM,
    Microsoft and Baidu, and scientists at each company have
    trumpeted improved performance in vision and speech recognition.

    As the companies compete in new services as varied as
    self-driving cars or online personal assistants that converse
    with mobile phone users, the technologies have moved from
    the backwater of academic journals to front-page news.

    With that has come controversy. In the past year, technologists
    and scientists like Elon Musk, founder of Tesla; Stephen Hawking,
    the celebrated physicist; and Bill Gates, co-founder of Microsoft,
    have warned that the potential emergence of self-aware
    computing systems might prove to be an existential threat to humanity.

    But artificial intelligence researchers have a more basic concern:
    that their work will once again fall short of expectations, leading
    to yet another fallow period for their field.

    And the Baidu controversy adds to the fretting. . .

