Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Later Today in My Graduate Seminar

Week Eight | October 15 -- Digital Utopians, Libertopians and Techbros

Designs On Us

Katherine Hayles, Liberal Subjectivity Imperiled: Norbert Weiner and Cybernetic Anxiety
Jaron Lanier, One Half of a Manifesto
Jaron Lanier, First Church of Robotics
Richard Barbrook and Andy Cameron, California Ideology
Astra Taylor, Six Questions on the People's Platform 
David Golumbia, Cyberlibertarians' Digital Deletion of the Left
Jedediah Purdy, God of the Digirati
Vernor Vinge, Technological Singularity
Nathan Pensky, Ray Kurzweil Is Wrong: The Singularity Is Not Near
Marc Steigler, The Gentle Seduction
Dave Schilling and Jules Sulzdaltsev, Reasons Why San Francisco Is the Worst Place Ever


    The God of the Digerati
    Jedediah Purdy
    December 19, 2001

    . . .

    Temperament is a theme too little appreciated in reflecting about
    culture and politics. Although no temperament neatly supports any particular
    political order, there are echoes, affinities, and latent hostilities between
    habits of mind and political practices.

    The Wired temperament is contemptuous of all limits -- —of law, community,
    morality, place, even embodiment. The magazine's ideal is the unbounded
    individual who, when something looks good to him, will do it, buy it, invent it,
    or become it without delay. This temperament seeks comradeship only among its
    perceived equals in self-invention and world making; rather than scorn the less
    exalted, it is likely to forget their existence altogether. Boundless
    individualism, in which law, community, and every activity are radically
    voluntary, is an adolescent doctrine, a fantasy shopping trip without end.

    In contrast, liberal democracy at its best starts from a recognition of
    certain limitations that we all have in common. None of us is perfectly wise,
    good, or fit to rule over others. All of us need help sometimes, from neighbors
    and from institutions. We are bound by moral obligation to our fellow citizens.
    We share stewardship of an irreplaceable natural world. This eminently adult
    temperament is alien to the digerati.

    The choice of which temperament we will cultivate is timely, for it lies near
    the heart of our decisions about how to regard the ascendant, global,
    information-based economy. Will we see in it the latest set of temptations to
    our familiar maladies of greed, mutual indifference, and self-absorption, and
    work to address those with the best resources of liberalism, privately and
    through our political institutions? Or will we pretend with Wired that
    those hazards and their accompanying obligations are finally behind us, that the
    millennium has come in a microchip?

  2. > Temperament is a theme too little appreciated in reflecting about
    > culture and politics.

    Plus ça change. . .
    William James, _Pragmatism_ (1907)
    Lecture 4, "The One and the Many"

    . . .

    The history of philosophy is to a great extent
    that of a certain clash of human temperaments.
    Undignified as such a treatment may seem to some
    of my colleagues, I shall have to take account
    of this clash and explain a good many of the
    divergencies of philosophers by it. Of whatever
    temperament a professional philosopher is, he
    tries, when philosophizing, to sink the fact
    of his temperament. Temperament is no conventionally
    recognized reason, so he urges impersonal
    reasons only for his conclusions. Yet his temperament
    really gives him a stronger bias than any of his
    more strictly objective premises. It loads the
    evidence for him one way or the other, making for
    a more sentimental or a more hard-hearted view
    of the universe, just as this fact or that
    principle would. He trusts his temperament. Wanting
    a universe that suits it, he believes in any
    representation of the universe that does suit it.
    He feels men of opposite temper to be out of key
    with the world's character, and in his heart
    considers them incompetent and 'not in it,' in
    the philosophic business, even though they may
    far excel him in dialectical ability. . .

  3. And the beat goes on. . .
    The Origin of Ideology
    Are left and right a feature (or bug) of evolution?

    By Chris Mooney
    March/ April/ May 2014

    . . .

    [I]t is hard to deny that science is revealing a very inconvenient truth
    about left and right: long before they become members of different parties,
    liberals and conservatives appear to start out as different people. . .
    Liberals and conservatives don’t just vote differently.
    They think differently.
    by Chris Mooney April 12, 2012

    . . .

    When you combine key psychological traits with divergent streams of
    information from the left and the right, you get a world where there
    is no truth that we all agree upon. We wield different facts, and
    hold them close, because we truly experience things differently. . .

    And throw in:
    All about libertarians: Group’s mystique increases as profile is raised
    vy Emily Esfahani Smith
    October 16, 2012

    . . .

    The libertarian style of thinking can even verge, in extreme cases, on autism.

    The University of Cambridge-based psychologist Simon Baron-Cohen, a leading
    autism researcher, famously has shown that people with autism exhibit two
    critical features: They test exceptionally low on empathizing scales and
    exceptionally high on systemizing ones. Empathizing governs social
    relationships — Are you able to relate to other people? — while systemizing
    governs understanding and analysis of the outside world. . .

    Libertarians score very low on the empathizing scale and very high on the
    systemizing scale. In other words, they are highly rational moral thinkers,
    less emotional than both conservatives and liberals. Two of the leading moral
    thinkers of Western history — utilitarian Jeremy Bentham and deontologist
    Immanuel Kant — were also incredibly gifted systemizers but deficient empathizers.
    Today, Bentham and arguably Kant would might be diagnosed with Asperger’s syndrome. . .

  4. Or worse:
    Narcissistic Personality and Politics: Smiling while Insulting
    Submitted by Dr. Brian Carr
    June 9, 2013

    It used to be that crazed and delusional people had to work to
    gain an audience in our society. When I attended St. Mary’s University
    in San Antonio in the early 1980’s I recall going down to Alamo
    square and listening to the various citizens who shouted in the
    free speech area outside the historical shrine. Tourists,
    business men and women, and the general public passed by as
    they would yell and sermonize about the evils of our society.

    With the advent of the Internet these same individuals are now
    able to expand to a wider audience. Gathering together these
    minority groups may only consist of a few people but, with
    organization, their message can easily spread and influence
    larger groups.

    The problem is that their message remains out of step with the
    larger collective. The ugliness of politics has worsened under the
    passive-aggressive and ego-driven personalities of these extremists.
    Individuals who functional poorly in our social environment
    can create disruption as they exhibit the fundamental flaws
    of their personality. . .
    Are Politicians Psychopaths?
    by David Freeman

    . . .

    [W]hen I asked Dr. [Martha] Stout if there's any truth to the contention
    that politicians are more likely to be psychopaths, she said in an email
    that no solid statistics were available to prove or disprove the hypothesis.
    Yet despite the lack of proof, she gave a surprisingly definitive answer
    to my question:

    "Yes, politicians are more likely than people in the general population
    to be sociopaths. I think you would find no expert in the field of
    sociopathy/psychopathy/antisocial personality disorder who would dispute this...
    That a small minority of human beings literally have no conscience was
    and is a bitter pill for our society to swallow -- but it does explain
    a great many things, shamelessly deceitful political behavior being one."

    At one time, she continued, the terms psychopath and sociopath conjured
    up image of mass murderers and serial killers. "As it turns out, the majority
    of sociopaths/psychopaths never kill anyone with their own hands, nor
    do they end up in prison," she said. "A smart sociopath can avoid prison
    and find other, less conspicuous ways to satisfy his or her lust for
    dominating and controlling others, and what better way than through
    politics and big business?" . . .

    YMMV. ;->
