Saturday, September 13, 2014

Blear of Death

I regularly hear from people the claim that the fear of death is universal. I honestly wonder if I am simply not understanding what people are trying to communicate when they say this? I mean, I do hope I am not in excruciating pain or completely isolated when I die -- but I am not thrilled at such prospects even when they are survivable, it's not death that is fearsome in them as far as I can tell. Sure, I want to live, it's the only game in town. But, I dunno, I really truly find a fear of death weird. And preoccupation with that fear seems to me especially terrible and deranging, even a kind of death in life. Perfectly nondescript unaccomplished persons manage to die all the time. Honestly, how hard or how odd can it be? I don't get it.


  1. > I honestly wonder if I am simply not understanding what
    > people are trying to communicate when they say this?

    I'm terrified of dying without clean underwear.

  2. As a Deathist, I will of course be holding a pair of clean white underpants in my cold dead hand like a white flag.

  3. I’ve got a bit of a suspicion, based on a near-miss or two, that the process of dying may not be wholly comfortable. But the prospect of the ongoing condition of being dead doesn’t seem very worrying to me. A few people close to me will miss me. But writing the sentence or two about cryonics in my recent blog post did prompt me to wonder, why would I imagine that a future society would want to put any effort into resurrecting me, a journeyman scientist turned university administrator like thousands of other late twentieth century specimens. Perhaps the motivations of those signing up to cryonics are as much about not being able to imagine that the world could do without them, as about not wanting to die.

  4. You do make a good point about worries over those you leave behind. That thought would indeed be excruciating, especially thinking of folks who count on you. As for some eventually cryonicized society, I have actually always assumed revivals would be connected somehow to graduate students getting their useless vanity degrees in twenty-third century diploma mills by resurrecting and then interviewing revivies for dissertations nobody reads.

  5. Richard Jones wrote:

    > I’ve got a bit of a suspicion, based on a near-miss or two,
    > that the process of dying may not be wholly comfortable. But the
    > prospect of the ongoing condition of being dead doesn’t seem
    > very worrying to me. . . But writing. . . about cryonics. . .
    > did prompt me to wonder, why would I imagine that a future society
    > would want to put any effort into resurrecting me, a journeyman
    > scientist turned university administrator like thousands of
    > other late twentieth century specimens. . .

    I mentioned something like this on the Extropians' mailing list
    back in 2001:
    One reflection that's crossed my mind. . . is the thought
    that the nastiest aspect of death for me personally (and
    probably for many other people) isn't the idea of nonexistence
    per se, but rather the likelihood of having to go through a
    fair amount of unpleasantness in order to reach that state.
    Cryonics doesn't get you around any of that; in fact, if
    anything, there'd likely enough be a fair amount of unpleasantness
    at the other end, assuming one got revived. . .

    Of course, the wish to avoid the unpleasantness surrounding
    death (on whichever side of it) can be written off as
    mere cowardice; but the belief that one's own personality
    is important enough to take extreme measures to preserve it
    from nonexistence strikes me as -- unseemly, somehow.
    Maybe I feel that way for the same reason I'm not a fan
    of Ayn Rand. . .

    Unlike HAL in _2001_, I find nothing particularly alarming
    in the fact that my consciousness does, in fact, cease
    to exist every night when I'm in delta sleep. Nor do I
    find the prospect that the universe will go on for billions
    of years without me in it particularly alarming. **Strange**,
    yes, but no stranger than contemplating the fact that
    the universe existed for billions of years **before** I came
    into it, or contemplating the unlikelihood that I should exist
    at all, or contemplating the fact that the person I was
    at age 5 or 15 has already almost altogether disappeared,
    and is only dimly reflected in the person I am now.

    Whenever Peter Thiel, the gay PayPal/Facebook billionaire, opens his mouth
    to speak, it’s anyone’s guess what’s going to come out. Thiel is making
    the media circuit these days, promoting his new book, Zero to One,
    and offering his opinion on virtually everything. . .

    But strange statements are part and parcel of Thiel’s character. . .
    Here’s a reminder, with seven more of the weirdest statements he’s made
    through the years. . .

    3. “There are all these people who say that death is natural, it’s just
    part of life, and I think that nothing can be further from the truth.”

    If by “all these people,” you mean everyone on the face of the planet
    (or six feet beneath it), well, yes. However, Thiel is very disturbed
    about the prospect of death and has invested heavily in projects that
    set out to “cure” it or at least extend life substantially.

  7. > > A few people close to me will miss me.
    > You do make a good point about worries over those you
    > leave behind.

    A few quotes about eternity with or without friends
    and family.

    Stephen Fry: Mormon Encounter
    I was expelled from a meeting of Latter-Day Saints when I
    first went to Salt Lake City, literally as a tourist.
    I was wandering around, and this person in a grey shift
    came up to me and said, "Would you like to see around?". . .

    I realized she was a Mormon who was doing a tour, with a bit of
    recruitment going on. . . Anyway, she gave us a good tour,
    and we saw this tabernacle here and this here and so on. . .

    And then she said "I just want to tell you a little about
    the Church of Latter-Day Saints," and we all stood politely. . .

    And she said how, in the afterlife, all families will be
    reunited, and you'll be with your families forever.

    So I put my hand up and said, "What happens if you've been

    And she said, "Can you leave please?" because everyone started

    But I mean, what a **ridiculous** idea! How is that supposed to
    be attractive? That you're going to be stuck with every aunt
    and every cousin, every. . . Oh good gracious, every, you know,
    alcoholic or slightly deviant uncle? I mean, Jesus! It's just
    the most **awful** destiny imaginable! And they think that's
    a USP -- yeah, that's what our church promises. Good lord!

    Well of course what it does, and that you don't have to be that smart
    to spot, that what it does is that church focuses entirely on
    women _d'un certain age_ as the French say, women of a certain age,
    who have lost their children, because they've grown up, and have
    lost their parents because they've died, and they're lonely and
    they've still got that family queen-bee mother nesting instinct.
    And they're the ones the Latter-Day Saints home in on and say,
    "You follow us and we promise you that you'll be with your family
    all around you again in Heaven, and they think that's a cool thing.
    Everyone else would go **bleah**!

    Anyway. . .

  8. And another from Mike "Darwin" (Federowicz):
    As a good friend of mine recently said, “When we are young, we imagine
    the future as something wonderful, stacked on top of everything that
    already was, not annihilating it and taking its place.” He is right.

    Many years ago, when I was a teenager, Curtis Henderson was driving us
    out of Sayville to go the Cryo-Span facility, and I said something
    that irritated him – really set him off on a tear. Beverly (Gillian Cumings)
    had just died, and it had become clear that she was not going to
    get frozen, and I was moaning about it, crying about it in fact,
    and this is what he said to me: “You wanna live forever kid? You
    really wanna live forever?! Well, then you better be ready to go
    through a lot more of this – ’cause this ain’t nothin. Ever been
    burned all over, or had your hand squashed in a machine? Well get
    prepared for it, because you’re gonna experience that, and a lot
    more that’s worse than either you or me can imagine. Ever lost
    your girlfriend or your wife, or your mother or your father, or your
    best friend? Well, you’re gonna lose ‘em, and if you live long
    enough, really, really long enough, you’re gonna lose everybody;
    and then you’ll lose ‘em over and over again. Even if they don’t die,
    you’ll lose ‘em, so be prepared. You see all this here; them boats,
    this street, that ocean, that sun in that sky? You’re gonna
    lose ‘em all! The more you go on, the more you’ll leave behind, so
    I’m telling you here and now, you’d best be damn certain about this
    living forever thing, because it’s gonna be every bit as much
    Hell as it Heaven.”

    He was right, too. — Mike Darwin

    See also:

  9. > And another from Mike "Darwin" (Federowicz)

    From the article that kicked off that same thread:
    Over the past few years there has been increasing friction between
    a subset of cryonicists, and people in the Transhumanist (TH) and
    Technological Singularity communities, most notably those who follow
    the capital N, Nanotechnology doctrine. Or perhaps more accurately,
    there has been an increasing amount of anger and discontent on the
    part of some in cryonics over the perceived effects these “alternate”
    approaches to and views of the future have had on the progress of
    cryonics. While I count myself in this camp of cryonicists, I think
    it’s important to put these issues into perspective, and to give
    a first-hand accounting of how n(N)anotechnology and TH first
    intersected with cryonics. . .

    It is important to understand that the nanotechnology folks didn’t
    come to cryonicists and hitch a ride on our star. Quite the reverse
    was the case. Eric Dexler was given a gift subscription to Cryonics
    magazine by someone, still unknown, well before the publication of
    Engines of Creation.[3] When he completed his draft of Engines,
    which was then called The Future by Design, he sent out copies
    of the manuscript to a large cross-section of people – including
    to us at Alcor. . .

    If nanotechnology had stayed nanotechnology, instead of becoming
    Nanotechnology, then it would all have been to the good. By way of
    analogy, I’m not irrevocably wed to the idea of cryopreservation.
    I have no emotional investment in low temperatures and on the
    contrary, the need to maintain such an extreme and costly environment
    without any break or interruption, scares the hell out of me.
    I’d much prefer a preservation approach that has been validated
    over ~45 million years, such as the demonstrated preservation of
    cellular ultrastructure in glasses at ambient temperature, in the
    form plant and animal tissues preserved in amber. . .

    Unfortunately, that’s not what happened vis a vis nanotechnology,
    and a clique of people emerged who were heavily emotionally invested in
    a 19th century mechanical approach to achieving a “technological singularity.”
    I know I never thought that rod logic computers would be the
    technology used to run teensy tiny mechanical robots that would
    repair cryopatients. Truth to tell, I have only vague ideas how
    repair will be carried out on severely injured patients. . .
    And while I agree that the pace of technological advance is accelerating,
    I don’t believe in some utopian singularity, because I also know
    that these advances are not one-sided; they carry enormous costs
    and liabilities, which will to some degree offset their advantages.

    To sum up, it isn’t the ideas of accelerating technological advance,
    nanotechnology, or any combination of these ideas per se that have
    been so pernicious; rather, it is the adoption of a utopian
    (all positive) framework which is socially enforced as the mandatory
    context in which these ideas must be viewed, that has been so destructive.
    That is certainly not Eric Drexler’s fault, and I would go so far
    as to argue that it was at least as much the responsibility of the
    cryonics organizations that systematically purged people who didn’t
    adhere to this party line for (among many reasons) the simple fact
    that failure to project this idealized and easily grasped view of
    the future was not good for sales. These ideas, presented in an
    inevitably utopian framework, do in fact get customers. And customers
    were exactly what every then (and now) extant cryonics organization
    wanted, and still want. . .

    Review of Ilia Stambler’s “A History of Life-Extensionism in the Twentieth Century”
    By Gennady Stolyarov II
    Sep 18, 2014

    . . .

    While most Americans are not opposed to advanced medicine and
    concerted efforts to fight specific diseases of old age, there
    does still seem to be a culturally ingrained perception of some
    “maximum lifespan” beyond which life extension is feared, even
    though it is considered acceptable up to that limit.
