Monday, January 27, 2014

Let A Million GOP Responses to the State of the Union Blossom Like Turds

How many separate wacky amateur-hour responses from these thugged-individualists do we have to get before the GOP doesn't even seem like a real party anymore? Getting Republicans to agree on strategy these days really is like herding clowns. The technocolor dissolution of the crazytown/plutocrat coalition continues apace, another white-racist sexist science-denialist neo-confederate primary season beckons. It will take more than Reince Priebus tinkering with the rules to straightjacket the loon posse hoping to cash in on the primary to raise their profiles to sell more books or that reality TV show they've got in their pocket. Even the Koch Brothers don't have enough money to fool all the people all the time. All this is excellent news for Republicans. Just ask Chuck Todd.

1 comment:

  1. > The technicolor dissolution of the crazytown/plutocrat
    > coalition continues apace, another white-racist sexist
    > science-denialist neo-confederate primary season beckons.
    It Is All The Republicans' Fault

    . . .

    The president has now learned that he cannot rely on either [party]
    to follow through on anything, so he has no choice but to "give up"
    on Congress. They're worthless.

    And. . . the blame for that does not belong to the president or
    his leadership skills. It is a choice that the Republicans made.
    The people elected and reelected the president, but they also
    elected Congress. If they don't get rid of Republican control of
    Congress, nothing is going to happen. Either the American people
    figure this out, or we'll be stuck with a broken legislature and
    a president who has to act unilaterally through executive action
    to address any of the nation's pressing problems.

    On the other hand,
    Does the Republican Party Have to Change?
    The GOP's effort to rebrand itself didn't get far --
    but it may not matter: It's winning anyway.
    by Molly Ball, Jan 24 2014

    . . .

    Without changing a thing, Republicans are very well positioned for
    the midterm elections this year and even for the 2016 presidential election. . .
    Republicans are almost guaranteed to keep the House of
    Representatives in November; they have about a 50-50 chance of taking
    the majority in the U.S. Senate; and they are likely to keep their
    majority of the nation’s governor’s mansions.

    Wouldn't that be a hoot. Place your bets!
