Friday, December 20, 2013

I'm Dreaming of a Cat Proof Sofa...

Do such things affordably exist? I mean precarious adjunct academic affordable, not bullshit Gwyneth Paltrow aspirational. That an attainable catproof couch might even be stylish... it seems a kind of dream. Anybody have any recommendations? Surely there are millions of people in my situation, isn't fucking capitalism supposed to good at this sort of thing in partial compensation for all the, you know, evil and stuff?


  1. Bro, just 3D print some kevlar nanofabric.

  2. I know! In my rant I forgot I lived in The Future... I simply instructed the house computer "catproof courch!" and the nanofoglets crystallized a whole new mid-century stylin' living room right outside my holosuite.

  3. How about biomimetic nanochemicals?
