Tuesday, November 26, 2013

The Washington Flayed Caucasians

I hear the team may be casting about for a new moniker...


  1. Did you see this?


  2. Yes. I truly hope you survive the removal of the brain tumor that must be responsible for the latest turn in your intellectual development. I realize that your youthful investment of time and energy in the Robot Cult did not pay the dividends you once fancied it might -- inasmuch as you have neither techno-transcended your mortal bonds nor even found a measure of accomplishment in the more standard worldly terms that compensate successful intellectual and organizational efforts. But I daresay your shift from a marginal pseudo-scientific consumer-fandom to this even more flabbergastingly marginal subculture is something of a surreally wrong turn for you. Did you even consider trying to get a real education or master some actually useful skill in the world as an alternative? Perhaps you are encouraged by the description in the linked piece of some of your new articles of faith as "controversial" ideas? Let me disabuse you of any delusions you may have on this score. The beliefs that there is a scientific basis for racist prejudices or a place for a resumption of monarchical government are not controversial in the least. These are patently idiotic and ugly notions without enough support even to sustain controversy. They are not even interesting provocations. They are without insight, charm, or the least use. It doesn't take a futurist to predict that there is no fine future in this latest nonsensical cul-de-sac for you. I have always glimpsed a bit of a vulnerability to reactionary politics in your formulations (you will recall defending yourself against these amply vindicated charges on more than one occasion), perhaps this is a limitation arising out of your background in some way? Widen the diversity of your acquaintance and gain some experience of real world problems and the real world intelligence that answers to these before losing another decade of your life to more online subcultural con-artistry. Take it from someone who never agreed with you on much of anything but who had a friendly measure of respect for your potential at any rate, you have lost your way.

  3. So when do we get to hang out

  4. Come the Singularity.

  5. LARPing is to blame for this new derp-culture.

  6. Agreed, especially if Black-Friday salesfloor scrums and reality TV and selfies are all also subsumed under LARP in LARP/GUT (grand unifying theory).
