Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Google Glass Is A Gas Gas Gas

As a side note to the last post, futurologists elsewhere in the article deliver the usual blow jobs to Google Glass, of course. At the risk of sounding futurological in an anti-futurological mode, I personally predict that Google Glass will NOT Change Everything. Anybody but futurologists would have noticed that people wearing Google Glasses look like assholes (even before the predictable genre of YouTube videos of people wearing Google Glasses walking into telephone poles and tripping over perambulators amplifies the asshole associations with idiot associations) and anybody but futurologists would suspect that this might have an impact on the success of a wearable consumer product. It's not that I don't think the things may return a tidy profit, but I do think they make people look ungainly and behave strangely and I expect soon enough the novelty will wear off even for the tragic gizmo-fashionistas and the headaches will wear on for everybody else and then the futurologists will go off to provide free advertising for the next corporate-military fetish, neither the enthusiasm nor the credibility of a single one of them the least diminished by yet another serial falsification of their triumphalist toti-transformational certitudes. Frankly, I suspect that if futurologists were not so pathetically desperate to escape the real world for their fantasy of virtual reality they would scarcely expect much more from Google Glass than they got from the sad Segway, but they'll buy into any old crap that pays another installment toward their deathly indebtedness to their preference for fantasy over real life.

1 comment:

  1. > Anybody but futurologists would have noticed that people wearing
    > Google Glasses look like assholes (even before the predictable
    > genre of YouTube videos of people wearing Google Glasses walking
    > into telephone poles and tripping over perambulators. . .)

    Calling Weird Al.

    I wonder if anybody will try wearing Google Glasses **while**
    riding a Segway[*]. (Is Segway still in business? -- I heard about
    the CEO riding his Segway off a cliff, but I don't know if
    the company followed him. Is anybody's Segway still running?).

    [*] Or worse, while driving a car.
    Or doubleplusworse, sitting behind me on the bus and getting
    motion sick while Googling through glasses.
