Sunday, February 17, 2013

Subway Singularitarianism

Upgraded from the Moot, "JimF" notes: I did, in fact, overhear two random subway passengers last week talking about the singularity.

Who, on the subway, has NOT pined for transcendence? I submit, in evidence.


  1. Actually, the NYC subway system is a bit classier these
    days than it was as portrayed in that Seinfeld episode.

    BTW -- this one got by me when it happened a couple of weeks ago --
    Henry Markram's "Blue Brain" project -- now called
    the "Human Brain Project", has (apparently) gotten that
    "Future and Emerging Technologies Flagship Initiatives"
    funding it was angling for.

    And apparently the Yanks may be funding their own brain
    research project (sensing and imaging, rather than simulating) --
    the National Institutes of Health "Brain Activity Map"
    (being compared to the Human Genome Project in significance
    and cost) that Obama is **alleged** (no confirmation from
    the White House -- it was Francis Collins who let the cat
    out of the bag on Twitter) to have alluded to in his
    State of the Union address.

    Will these bring about the "Singularity" on schedule in
    2045? Weeellll. . . ;->

    (Today's NY Times article sounded very Kurzweilian, though --
    suggesting that DNA-based "nanobots" will be used to
    map brain activity from inside.)

  2. > I did, in fact, overhear two random subway passengers last
    > week talking about the singularity.

    Also Al Gore, in a book I flipped through in Barnes & Noble
    last weekend:

    I gather it's not something he's rooting for, though.

  3. I gather it's not something he's rooting for, though.

    Don't be so sure, check out the "Liberal Futurology" sub-heading of the (recently re-organized) Superlative Summary.
