Monday, February 11, 2013

Sick Bed Confessions

So, I'm still feeling unusually worn out and my cough persists but I'm definitely on the mend. This has been an unusually sustained low-blogging period, I know. It's been a particularly virulent strain of flu, and it has thinned the ranks of my students as well as thickened my head with goo. In the meantime, Eric and I received a call from our landlord of ten years telling us the owners have decided to sell this place and so we have to find a new place to live. This time of year the rental market offers slim pickings, not to mention the fact that over the decade the rent we've grown accustomed to paying doesn't have quite the bang for the buck it did when last we looked for a place so the prospect seems a bit bleak. It's been rather a tough week.


  1. > Eric and I received a call from our landlord of ten years
    > telling us the owners have decided to sell this place and so
    > we have to find a new place to live.

    Oh, crap!

  2. Yeah, I know. Looks like we'll be shifting back to apartment living after a decade renting a tiny private house we had to ourselves. There are tradeoffs, it's not all bad, but we are feeling a bit sad about it. We're going to look at the first serious contender for a new place tomorrow when I get home from teaching. Cross your fingers!
