Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Febfluary and So On

So, yes, of course, February has been a pretty bleak business here, I know. Just to offer up a latest and last installment in this more dire diaristic phase of Amor Mundying, let me say that I feel mostly well at long last, well enough to no longer be taking medication or sleeping more than usual and that sort of thing. Also, Eric and I have signed the lease on a new apartment not too far off that we both like rather a lot and so everything is turning out well. We're getting rid of an enormous amount of accumulated furniture and books (which kills me) and junk, and this is keeping things more fraught than usual for a while, but we can see the happyesque ending ahead. So, there you go and now you know.


  1. > We're getting rid of an enormous amount of accumulated
    > furniture and books (which kills me) and junk. . .

    I envy you. ;->

  2. Congrats on the new digs, that didn't take long.
