Sunday, December 30, 2012

Hannah Arendt, The Movie?

I doubt it's the Arendt movie I would want to see, but I don't doubt it's a movie I will see, because beyond doubt it's an Arendt movie.


  1. Anonymous6:29 PM

    wow. that must be the H-dawg in the brown coat on her right? a must see, for sure...I can't imagine a more challenging role for an actor than Heidy. He was such a Vulcan on one level, must obviously had a rich inner life and real passions...

  2. Heidegger as a Vulcan! No-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o!!!!!!!!! Vulcan Wannabe, Raised Eyebrows and Hopeless Human Hopes.

  3. Anonymous6:12 AM

    The recent Cronenberg film about Carl Jung was an abomination. It fails on all merits of the craft of film and also has so little to do with the actual Jung and his work that it might as well have been a biopic of Fred Flinstone. This clip reminded me of that cinematic disaster in tone and style...
