Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Today's Random Wilde

America is the noisiest country that ever existed.


  1. And Americans are very noisy people. I used to work in hostels and bars in various tourist destinations and you could always hear the American tourists coming from a mile off. You couldn't help but make out everything they were saying even if they were on the other side of the building.

  2. > You couldn't help but make out everything they were
    > saying even if they were on the other side of the building.

    I'm one American who hates having personal conversations
    (in the flesh -- I don't even own a cell phone) within earshot
    of other people. Not that I have anything to hide -- it just
    makes me uncomfortable.

    Unfortunately, **my** discomfort speaking loudly for all the
    world to hear sometimes makes my interlocutors uncomfortable too.
    I once tried to carry on a conversation with somebody in public
    by more-or-less whispering in that person's ear, only to
    have him turn and yell, in exasperation, "Will you **stop**
    doing that!".
