Friday, November 09, 2012

Teaching Day

MA Thesis cohort this afternoon in the City, beloved houseguest from Seattle this weekend when I get home, so blogging likely low to no once mo. Also, I predict there will be more anti-futurology hereabouts in the near future.


  1. > I predict there will be more anti-futurology hereabouts in the near future.

    Well, OK, but only as long as you promise to spell everybody's
    name right.

    Dale Carrico writes: “I updated and extended a golden oldie in response
    to a report posted at the World Future Society by transhumanoid Hank Pellesier
    about how Robot Cultists want expect demand technno-immortality. I must
    say it probably qualifies as one of my grumpier columns.” Not surprisingly,
    he doesn’t even bother to spell Hank Pellissier‘s name right.

  2. That's easy: M - U - D
