Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Very Serious White Guy of the Future Contemplates Vampire Techno-Immortalization Scheme

On the free scribble page provided for some unfathomable reason by the otherwise mostly excellent io9 for Robot Cultist George Dvorsky, the question is asked: Could injecting yourself with blood of the young reverse the aging process?

In a word, George. No.

Also, just to review, the computer tech guy pretending to be a gerontologist Aubrey de Grey is not going to come up with genetic and prosthetic magicks to keep your aging heap on the road indefinitely, your cryonically hamburgerized brain is not going to be revived by nanobots and scooped into a shiny robot body with comic book sooper-powers including truncheon scale chrome dildo, you are not a picture of you so your "info-soul" is not going to be "migrated" or "uploaded" into Holodeck Heaven, and your vestigial signal is not going to be resurrected out of the noise at the heat death of the Universe by the sooper-intelligent sooper-parental Robot God your sooper-genius friends are coding in their basements even as I write these words.

George Dvorsky, you are going to die.

h/t JimF


  1. The article shows a hazy idea of such things as the blood-brain barrier, the complexities of the immune system and the very real and extensive differences between mice and humans.

    The published study focuses on cytokines (linked to inflammatory responses). The effect is clearly indirect and equivalent to the mitochondrial boost by blood doping.

  2. > The effect is clearly indirect and equivalent to the mitochondrial
    > boost by blood doping.

    And it probably only works with the blood of wirgins.

    Oh, the blood of these hooers is killing me!
