Wednesday, October 17, 2012


I like my art revolutionary, my administration liberal, and my engineering conservative.


  1. Friendly Robot God8:55 PM

    Duly noted.

  2. Does this vouchsafe me a spot in cyber-heaven or guarantee me a nook in cyber-hell, o Robot God of loving grace?

  3. Piulio Grisco11:51 PM

    And I like my engineering revolutionary, my administration conservative and my art rendered by cheap freeware from the 90s!

  4. Friendly Robot God3:28 AM

    Everyone gets a spot in cyber-heaven. But individual experience of cyber-heaven is tailored to the individual's preferences, and data on the preferences of the dead is often unfortunately sparse. Because of this post, even if you eventually refuse jellonic preservation in a jam jar, I will still be able to model your personal preference function correctly, and thereby place the reconstructed Cyber-Dale on the appropriate cyber-cloud. Happy endings for all, that is The Law.

  5. Pewlio Grislio, like most choosy Moms of the Robot Cultist variety, really prefers vaporware engineering, reactionary politics, and art on black velvet with big boobies.

  6. With all these promises of happy endings I begin to think Friendly Robot God should eschew the conventional transhumanoid precincts like Less Wrong and IEET and KurzweilAI and skip over to Jam fetishists will likely pay extree.
