Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Lady Brains in the Voting Booth Moody and Unpredictable

Science! At least according to the ever less relevant CNN.

CNN has pulled the post. Hope netroots ridicule is enough to squash Romney and keep the Senate as well.


  1. Oh, if only the Republicans could get the 19th Amendment repealed!

    What a wonderful, wonderful, world this would be
    What a wonderful, wonderful, wonderful, wonderful world.
    Don't know much about history. . .

    Don't know nothin' 'bout no rise and fall
    Don't know nothin' 'bout nothin' at all
    Girl it's you that I've been thinking of
    And if I could only win your love, girl
    What a wonderful, wonderful world this would be
    What a wonderful, wonderful world this would be
    What a wonderful, wonderful, wonderful, wonderful world
    What a wonderful, wonderful, wonderful, wonderful world
    What a wonderful, wonderful, wonderful, wonderful world...

  2. Dang those feminazis! How can Satoshi Kanazawa, or anybody else,
    do Science with all these whiners around?
    "After further review it was determined that some elements
    of the story did not meet the editorial standards of CNN.

    We thank you for your comments and feedback."
