Monday, August 06, 2012

Ve Haff Our Own Numbers!

Looks like the electoral college math and never changing Obama leads in the battleground states and dismally deepening historically low personal negatives for Romney and tanking brand ID for the GOP is starting to sink in with Republicans who must have thought the bazillionaire money spigot opened up by Citizens United wouldn't hit saturation so soon and to such little effect and that their grand voter disenfranchisement project wouldn't unravel in legal challenges and a glare of negative publicity.

via PolitcalWire:
Dick Morris says the polls reported by the media are not accurate. "On Friday, I saw the real numbers. These state-by-state polls, taken by an organization I trust (after forty years of polling) show the real story. The tally is based on more than 600 likely voter interviews in each swing state within the past eight days."

"The trend line is distinctly pro-Romney. Of the thirteen states studied, he improved or Obama slipped in nine states while the reverse happened in only four. To read the media, one would think that Romney had a terrible month. In fact, the exact reverse is true."
Yes, yes, I'm sure your very special ma-a-a-agical insider numbers are just awesome, not at all like these terrible awful not good factual numbers the rest of us have to settle for (like this and like this). Mm hm. Oh, man, the wheels are coming off.

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