Sunday, August 12, 2012

Paul Ryan, Soopergenius (and Anti-Choice Anti-Gay Anti-Gu'ment Dumb Gun)

It's always amusing to sample the stylings of so-called right-wing "intellectuals" like doll-eyed dolt Paul Ryan, celebrated Very Serious "detail" guy and "idea" guy and "wonk" guy, like simpering simpleton Eric Cantor another one of the vaunted Republican Dumb Guns: "Small government!" ...and yet... Anti-Choice! (huh?) "Individual liberty!" ...and yet... Anti-gay! (huh?) And don't even get me started on prescription drug benefits without offsets, illegal immoral wars of choice without budgeting for them, lowering taxes on the rich ...and yet... making aggrieved noises about budget deficits, all the while proposing slashing support for the vulnerable and for people who work for a living while larding billionaires with ever more tax cuts and loan guarantees and supports because making rich people actually pay for what they get and what they do makes market magic muscular baby Jeebus cry. (huh?) Sooper-genius!

Rep. Paul Ryan (R), member of the U.S. House of Representatives from 1999 to present
During his time in the House, Rep. Ryan has cast 59 votes on abortion and other reproductive-rights issues. All of these votes were anti-choice.
In 2009, Rep. Ryan voted for the notorious Stupak abortion-coverage ban.
He cosponsored and repeatedly voted the Federal Abortion Ban, a law that criminalizes some abortion services and carries a two-year prison sentence for doctors.
He has repeatedly voted to deny funding to Planned Parenthood.
Rep. Ryan has been outspoken on his anti-choice views: “I’m as pro-life as a person gets. You’re not going to have a truce. Judges are going to come up. Issues come up, they’re unavoidable, and I’m never going to not vote pro-life.”


  1. Is it ironic that a person who wants to 'drown the government in a bathtub' is running for vice president? Or maybe I'm just being dumb.

  2. As I said in Dispatches from Libertopia, "Whenever a right wing politician declares all government wasteful, criminal, and corrupt you should pay close attention, because he is announcing his plans."

  3. Also/a propos little:
