Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Ann Romney: "I Love You Women..." To Death!

What awesome incubators we women make, hey? Hey?

My favorite part was when she said "you" -- not "we" even though she is a woman too, but you know, different, because you know, "you people" who want to look at our taxes like those of every other Presidential candidate as a matter of course, "you people" who aren't multimillionaires who can overcome breast cancer and thrive with MS without social support like she did and does -- "you" You YOU "know what it’s like to work a little harder during the day to earn the respect you deserve at work and then come home to help with that book report, which just has to be done.” Yes, Ann, and women also know which party wants to make it a little easier to do the necessary work of sustaining civilization rather than making it harder because it really is work that has to be done and it really is work from which everybody benefits. And that party is not the anti-science, anti-healthcare, anti-equity, anti-diversity, anti-women, anti-civilizational, "We Bilk It!" Republican Party.

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