Monday, July 09, 2012

SuperPACs of "The Future"!

via PoliticalWire:
Former Obama aide Bill Burton explains… that it took weeks to come up with the name Priorities USA Action for his Super PAC because "every slogan they considered had already been trademarked by Republicans." Said Burton: "We gave our lawyer 10 more names. Then like 50. We're literally trying every combination of whatever. You can't come up with a name that has the word 'future' in it that the Republicans don't control. Romney's Restore Our Future -- that doesn't even make sense, and that's probably why they were able to get it."
Beyond the general absurdity and dishonesty on offer here, I must say I do find it especially predictable but noteworthy that these SuperPACs seem to want to reach first for "The Future" when they want to say nothing or hide the something they are really up to, and also that it's the Republicans who control most of the vapid titles with the word "Future" in them. As I never tire of saying -- and do see my Futurological Brickbats for more in this vein -- XII. To speak of "The Future" is always to indulge in reaction. All futurisms are finally retro-futurisms.

1 comment:

  1. I recommend they use this valuable resource:

    The Video Game Name Generator has gotten me out of a surprising number of copywriting jams.
